Artificial intelligence in 4 hours of training has become the best chess player on planet Earth

Artificial intelligence in 4 hours of training became the best chess player on planet EarthA photo from open sources

New artificial intelligence in just 4 hours of training has become the best chess player on earth!

And remember, what a sensation made in chess in 1996 supercomputer “Deep Blue”, winning the first batch of Russian Champion Garry Kasparov? Despite the fact that our compatriot nevertheless won the game, then it became clear that artificial intelligence is rapidly progressing and someday charmingly become the best chess player, after which people will it is useless to play with the program. All that remained was the question of when will happen.

Representatives of the famous corporation “Google” said that this the time has finally come. According to experts, developed they neural network “AlphaZero” in just 4 hours of self-training turned in the most virtuoso and flawless chess player in all the story of this game. Heavy duty artificial intelligence trained a game of chess, knowing only its rules. After playing for 4 hours with myself by itself, the robot learned to play perfectly, easily defeating chess the Stockfish program, which was previously considered the most perfect. Computers played 100 games – AlphaZero managed to win 28 of them and draw the remaining 72. An advanced neural network that simulates the work of the human brain, is able to take risks and even use a kind of intuition.

Dreaming of victory over artificial intelligence is no longer have to

Earlier AlphaZero models trained in the game, watching the living chess players. The developers suggested that this would help. artificial intelligence better understand game strategies. On the very same it turned out that observing people only slows down development programs. When the neural network left to itself, its abilities soared to heaven. Google engineers are now thinking about how apply such technologies for real benefit to humanity, since the chess game, even the most virtuoso, does not have applied purpose.

In 1968, the famous Scottish chess player David Levy concluded bet that over the next decade not a single one will beat him program. All this time, the grandmaster constantly competed with various chess computers and every time I beat them. IN In 1978, he defeated the then-strongest program. “Chess 4.7” by winning the bet. Unfortunately, these days are so interesting there will be no more fights – we now have to learn only about how one fantastic neural network defeated another. Living chess players cannot even dream of victory over such monsters. And this is just the beginning of such AI victories over man …

Artificial Intelligence Time

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