Astronomers are sure that the sun will not work “end” light “December 21

A photo from open sources

Astronomers are confident that December 21, 2012 is the day on which especially suspicious people are waiting for the end of the world – they will disappoint their commonplace. “At least the sun on which all depends life on Earth will behave mediocre. Even magnetic storms in this day will not be, “- said the director of the astronomical ITAR-TASS Observatory of Irkutsk State University Sergey Yazev. November 14th Russian scientists from Irkutsk, Moscow and Novosibirsk observed total solar eclipse on the north coast of Australia. Now astronomers received the first data of photographs of the solar corona. The star entered the phase of its maximum activity, which times will last an unusually long time — about three years, they predict. Solar activity is associated with the formation and decay in the atmosphere stars of strong magnetic fields. These processes interest residents Earth as flares and magnetic storms, which are believed to affect technique, and the well-being of people. Despite the protracted stage maximum, nothing special should be expected from the Sun, we are sure scientists. “In 1957, at a maximum of 19 cycles of its solar activity the level was about 3 times higher than now, and nothing happened. Who didn’t know, he didn’t notice, “Sergey said Yazev.

Doomsday sun

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