At the bottom of the Mariana Trench, a 100-tonne was photographed prehistoric shark

At the bottom of the Mariana Trench, a 100-ton prehistoric shark was photographedA photo from open sources

According to foreign cryptozoologists, they received documentary evidence that prehistoric megalodon shark survived to this day. Megalodon that existed 5-20 million years ago and extinct in the late Pliocene (according to official scientific data), is considered one of the largest aquatic predators that have ever existed on Earth. The weight of these fish reached 100 tons!

And one such giant, as claimed alternative researchers captured at the deepest point Oceans. Cryptozoologists report that the following frames were received not so long ago in the Mariana Trench by Japanese marine biologists. Scientists, they say, installed at the bottom of the ocean 10-meter cage with bait, and not far from it – resistant to pressure camcorder and flashlight anchored.

The experts were incredibly shocked when they got the record from this white-eyed monster who tried to break the cage. Is it really in in fact there was a legendary ancient fish capable without difficulty swallow the biggest white shark? Despite the fact that many World Wide Web users were extremely impressed with this video, there were also many commentators who said that before us the usual hoax.

Skeptics suggest that this is not about Mariana the cavity, and the video captures a cell much smaller, and next to her is the Atlantic polar shark. Maybe this, of course, and so, however, do not forget that the person investigated for the current moment no more than 5 percent of the fauna of the oceans, and we we can’t even guess what huge and dangerous creatures live in the remaining unexplored waters. Perhaps megalodons are far not even the worst monsters hiding there …


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