At the funeral of Stephen Hawking invited travelers from the future

Travelers from the future have been invited to the funeral of Stephen Hawking.A photo from open sources

On March 14 of this year, the famous died on the 77th year of his life. English cosmologist and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, who provided significant influence on the scientific views of millions of people on Earth. Now it became known that the memorial service for the scientist will be held 15 June at Westminster Abbey.

The ashes of a cremated Brit are scattered on the graves of two others geniuses of science: Charles Darwin and Isaac Newton. However, this is not yet all. Hawking, always distinguished by ingenuity, sense of humor and by faith in the most incredible, I decided to diversify in an unusual way even your own funeral.

At the request of the deceased, his children will play a thousand free tickets to visit the physicist’s wake. Applicants wishing to to attend this event is necessary, besides everything other, indicate your date of birth. Attentive fans Hawking immediately noticed something curious about it.

It turns out that the participants in this draw can indicate the date until December 31, 2038 inclusive, and this is by no means a mistake. It turns out that Stephen Hawking’s funeral could theoretically be attended time travelers who have arrived these days from near of the future. Obviously, this is exactly what I expected in life. scientist.

Note that this is not the first such attempt by an Englishman Meet guests from the future. In 2009, Hawking organized a lush party for time travelers to which invited all comers … only a day after the meeting celebrations. As you might guess, the researcher realized that his the idea failed, even before he publicly announced holding such an unusual meeting.

I wonder how successful the attempt of a great scientist will be. invite guests from the future to your funeral? ..

Time Life Stephen Hawking

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