At the funeral of the boy photographed miracle

A miracle was photographed at the boy’s funeralPhoto from open sources

Thousands of people, including football players of the famous English club Sunderland, visited the town of Blackhall Collier in the east coast of the country to say goodbye to 6 year old Bradley Lowry who was a huge fan of the team and died recently after 5 years of cancer control.

One of the participants in a heartbreaking ceremony photographed the sky and accidentally captured on one of the pictures amazing phenomenon. Something resembling a boy appeared in the clouds. Can clearly see the contour of the face, ears, eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth “heavenly phantom.”

Mark Shields, who brought the camera to Bradley’s funeral, is convinced that the child’s face is imprinted in the upper right corner of the image, and confusing it with something else is impossible. The mother of the deceased is convinced that it is about the spirit of her son, who is now watching his native from heaven.

A photo from open sources

It is noteworthy that Shields took a mysterious picture at that moment when Lowry’s coffin was carried past the parish church. The funeral procession consisted of relatives of a small football fan, family friends, Sunderland players and guest animators dressed as superheroes.

The child suffered from neuroblastoma, a rare form of cancer that affects sympathetic nervous system. From a very young age Bradley was fond of football, and when the Sunderland players found out that their a young fan fighting for life, they made the boy real celebrity: provided his family with free match tickets, took the guy to the field, constantly taking pictures with Lowry and invited him on their trips.

A miraculous phenomenon in the sky during Bradley Lowry’s funeral some paranormal researchers associated with such a mysterious phenomenon, like living clouds. It turns out that our physical reality, the underworld and the mysterious intelligence of the clouds are somehow connected? However, this has been noticed before, it’s enough to recall various signs, the appearance in the sky of images of the Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and many other signs that say something to people or about something warning us living …

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