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And although the snowman is found in almost all continents of our planet, with the exception of Antarctica, in different parts of the world describe him in his own way and even the name he has a purely local. For example, in Australia this mysterious The monster is called yovi (or yaui).
Yovi – a legendary image or a real creature?
Yovi, like all other humanoid humanoids of this type, differs in huge growth (up to three meters and more), incredible strength and high speed of movement and, of course, elusive, like all “snowmen”.
The first written account of Yaui dates back to 1835 (book J. Holman “Travel”), although the natives called him still “shaggy the devil “and in their oral traditions were kept many stories about meeting this monster. Moreover, the locals are very offended by Europeans who did not believe in Job and raised to laughter of those natives who personally encountered shaggy the devil.
However, soon the Europeans themselves began to meet with yovi, so, in October 1894, someone Johnny McVilliams was riding a horse in New South Wales, when suddenly noticed a mysterious hairy a man who appeared from behind a tree. Just glancing at Johnny, yovi rushed to run to the wooded hill and quickly disappeared into the nearest thickets.
As noted by almost everyone who was “lucky” to meet with shaggy devil, Australia’s bigfoot was another interesting quality – equanimity. Here’s how I wrote about it Sydney Herald newspaper of the beginning of the last century:
George Summer on horseback accidentally caught yovi, who drank from a stream in the Bemboka Forest (New South Wales). Upon hearing the snoring of a frightened horse, the monkey man straightened up in all his huge growth and calmly appreciated the threat to himself from man, after which he again bent to the stream, quenched his thirst and also slowly sank back home, lost soon among the trees. Summermel was in shock, but perfectly remembered the almost human the face of this creature and its very piercing clever eyes.
Messages about a meeting with Yovi were received throughout twentieth century. For example, he was caught working in the Valley of Grose (New South Wales) in April 1976, and on March 5, 1978 on the meeting with a shaggy devil said a lumberjack chopping trees near Springbrook. And there was a lot of such information, probably even more just stayed “between us speaking” …
Yovi – Kangaroo Ripper
University of Sydney professor Harry Opet was one of those scientists who unconditionally believed in the existence of yovi and dedicated exploring this unique creature of Australia for many years. That’s what Frank Field, a local resident and experienced hunter, told him:
I have often seen this shaggy monster, huge and very strong, which, by the way, preys on small kangaroos, leaving at This is a very characteristic traces. He kills a kangaroo, carries it in his hands, breaking into the insides and scattering them around. Dingo dogs for example, they act very differently – they drag the victim on the ground. But I have never even heard that someone could catch, or at least shoot yovi. Of course, these creatures mostly lead the night lifestyle, but you never know of us and other nocturnal predators, nevertheless less to shoot and even catch in traps does not represent them no difficulty. With yovi such “jokes” do not pass …
The elusive yovi, like any “bigfoot”, brought the professor the idea that this creature is not only rational and cunning, but also possessing some fantastic capabilities, for example, hypnotize people, look away, or even just “dissolve in the air. No wonder here to believe in mysticism or though would that yovi, yeti and other mysterious monsters come to us to Earth from another reality. It’s not clear, just why? Really, as some researchers joke, in their world is tight with food, what have to go after her to our world? Or such a symbiosis worlds created by Nature itself? ..
A photo from open sources
… There is information about the Bigfoot of Australia today, for example, in 2009 yove (yaui) attacked pets, and from he even suffered then dogs. Last year its even managed to shoot on camcorder. Although orthodox scholars are right there blame it all on wild animals. That’s just “wild animals” are not behave so wisely and even mystically, leave no trace very similar to the human foot, with 50 or more centimeters in length …
Australia Yeti Kangaroo Monsters Dogs