Australian met with yovi and not so scared of this meeting

The Australian met with Yovi and was not very scared of this meeting.A photo from open sources

Surprisingly, the semi-mythical Bigfoot meets almost everywhere, only in different parts of our planet, naturally, it is called in its own way. In Australia, for example, yeti their name is yovi, but this makes the mysterious primate no less awesome.

The other day, for example, Yovi scared a resident of the village of Nimbin that located in New South Wales. According to the news publisher Daily Mail, a woman rode that night on a country road through forest returning from a regular cricket training. In some moment she stopped and got out of the car – just to admire by nature.

And suddenly she heard that through the next bushes someone is pushing in her direction. Not once or twice encountering a similar the situation, the Australian began to scream loudly, thus deciding scare off the wild beast. However, this beast, howling and grunting (by at least, such sounds were remembered by a woman), continued get closer to the road.

The Australian jumped into the car in fright and even turned on the headlights, although the street was still not dark, but only a little gloomy. And then … she saw her “pursuer” – it was a humanoid a creature of enormous growth (about two and a half meters), which got out of the bushes and looked at the car in surprise, swaying slightly from side to side.

Yovi didn’t cause the Australian woman any problems, he’s just on for some time her mind was paralyzed, which is why the woman couldn’t even start the car and start off. Then Australian snowy the man simply turned and went back into the bushes, as if realizing that he frightens with his appearance a defenseless man in front of him.

That’s the whole story, but the eyewitness to this extraordinary this is what she wrote about her “fright”:

We all expect miracles, and when they happen to us, literally not ready for this. You can laugh at mine a story, for example, saying that fear has big eyes or something in like that, but I didn’t just get scared, I understood with every cell of your body, who is in front of me, and therefore came to a huge excitement – either fear or delight. And yovi like me it seemed perfectly understood this, he turned and … left back home.

There is nothing special about this news, if not the main thing – none of us are safe from meeting a bigfoot. But, Apparently, you should not be afraid of this: the Yeti is not dangerous, because – reasonable, and, as a rule, mentally healthy and does not suffer the desire to be enriched by the first comer …

Australia Yeti

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