Azerbaijani forester filmed eared monster

Azerbaijani forester filmed an eared monster on cameraA photo from open sources

Wishing to remain an anonymous forester from Azerbaijan Republic claims it recently encountered in nature with a mysterious creature, which is hardly written in textbooks biology. This is reported by local Russian-speaking cryptozoologists.

According to the man, he made the usual walk through the forest and suddenly I saw a small clot of black climbing on low tree and whisked into the hollow. Our hero took out a smartphone and began to record a phenomenon incomprehensible to him (the forest man) in the video. Fortunately or even surprisingly, he succeeded capture a strange anomaly on the camera.

A photo from open sources

By turning on the video below, you can see a small black head with white eyes and long ears, swiftly disappearing in the hollow. Creature movement is clearly visible on these frames from which we can conclude that it was not any toy or cardboard cut.

Many users of the Runet said that the mysterious creation looks like a character named Aikis from the animated series Real monsters. “Other Network regulars suggested it was just a frightened lost cat breed like devon rex with big ears.

By the way, not one of the commentators on this unique post asked why the forester did not look into the hollow itself? Apparently to a normal person, the state of the forester met in the often something mysterious, from which we can expect that whatever. Moreover, only a fool can not understand that our the world is far from being arranged as presented to us by learned men, starting with school books and ending with today’s materialistic dogmas, generously scattered everywhere, including on the Internet …


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