In the center of New York spotted a stroller with an ugly and creepy screaming baby Photo from open sources PHOTO: YouTube / DevilsDueNYC New Yorkers were pretty nervous about devil child who attacked bystanders in the center cities. A stroller with a crying baby suddenly rolled out on sidewalks or squares, and when sympathizers tried to approach and to reassure the child, he jumped up and began to scream terribly, writes The Hollywood Reporter. Scarecrow of Americans and the appearance of the child: ordinary in appearance, the baby was distinguished by thin pale skin through which veins, disheveled hair and blood red shone through tearful eyes. People who approached the stroller shouted, closed eyes with palms and ran to the side, and the stroller with the devil baby continued to haunt them. Only one remained indifferent cold-blooded janitor. It later emerged that attacks on of Americans – just an advertising action of the film “Coming the devil “, the plot of which is associated with the introduction of a demon in a newborn, and the child turned out to be a radio-controlled doll. The video immediately became popular on the web, however, many found the studio’s marketing move 20th Century Fox is too cruel, because pregnant women could be scared women or people with a weak heart. Create a frightening but entertaining advertising, recently decided and the Italian insurance company, which made a real accident in the center of Milan. Then on one of the streets right from the asphalt in the middle of the road a Russian submarine surfaced a boat that hooked a passing car. To place accidents soon arrived rescuers and physicians, who provided the first help to the injured driver, and began to crawl out of the submarine sailors. Passers-by were frightened by what was happening, but it soon became clear that all the participants in the accident are actors, and the submarine surfaced to show the Milanese that at any moment the most unexpected events, so you should not neglect insurance.
Sergey Averin