Bananas: where did they come from and how did they conquer the world

Bananas: where did they go and how did they conquer the world?Photos from open sources of

Yesterday, that is, April 10, the whole world solemnly celebrated Day banana And you, apparently, did not know about it, did you? But, most likely, they ate their holiday banana, not even suspecting about it.

However, many do not know not only when Banana Day is celebrated, but also that it is a berry, not a fruit. True, neither one nor the other prevents to love and enjoy these overseas with pleasure fruit.

A photo from open sources

As the Russian academician Nikolai Vavilov found out a hundred years ago, the homeland of bananas were the islands of the Malay archipelago, where the natives successfully consumed these berries (also unaware of this) along with fish. Since bananas turned out to be a good product, then soon they became known to the whole world, however, the real “expansion” of this berry began only in the second half the century before last with the advent of refrigeration units.

Soon banana republics appeared, but do not confuse them with states where this berry is grown in large export-oriented quantities. The term “banana republic” invented by the American writer O. Henry, and it means the country Latin America with political and economic instability.

By the way, the first to export bananas were the Americans. IN at that time, this berry was appreciated (in the sense – it was worth) all over the world high, and therefore bananas were not available, as now, practically to each.

A photo from open sources

For this reason, for example, in the Third Reich, bananas were declared harmful overseas fruits, from which supposedly easily there may be an inversion of the intestines. That is how the “enlightened” population Nazi Germany doctors of that time, because the authorities did not want spend currency on bananas there. In the shops of the fascist Germany appeared quite worthy of propaganda of the time posters “A true patriot is only one who eats German apples.”

Due to the same high cost of bananas, in Iceland at one time even they were grown in greenhouses using relatively cheap water and energy of thermal sources. However, in this country it was not enough sun, and therefore greenhouse bananas were completely not sweet and not were in great demand.

A photo from open sources

And in the end we’ll say that bananas are not only dessert, but also fodder, as plantates are often called (technical grade of this berries). And if the first, that is, dessert, eat like real berries, in raw form, the plantates are boiled, fried, cooked from them various syrups, wines, canned food and, of course, feed them pets – hence the feed.

A photo from open sources

Russians, often buying not very tasty bananas, immediately begin suspect that they are “bred” just on the fodder berry. it far from it, just even among dessert bananas a lot all sorts of varieties, so there are more, there are less tasty. By the way, real banana lovers easily discern what represents one or another party of these fruits. This is all one determine whether a sweet watermelon or not, it is stuffed with nitrates or, glory God, everything is normal. Information on how all this is determined in There are plenty of Internet networks. If you really love this overseas berry and do not always fall for tasty and sweet, then study this the question is more thorough, so when going to the store for another bunch of bananas, to be, as they say, fully equipped.

Germany time

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