Barbie could only move on all fours

A photo from open sources

If Barbie was a real woman, then she would have to to move on all fours and to be unable even physically head up. Her proportions are simply scary and reminiscent of a heroine sci-fi movie. Starting from the head: she is 5 cm more than the average woman, and the neck is two times longer and 15 cm thinner. It turns out that she is completely unable to raise her head. Her 40-centimeter waist is 10 cm smaller than the volume of her head. Eventually her body will be able to accommodate only half the liver and several centimeters of intestines. Her fragile 8-centimeter wrist A 15-centimeter ankle does not give her the opportunity to practice even some hard work. And hard work even means ability not only to walk, but at least to stand up. The experts from US psychiatric centers claim that over 50 s Over the years, Barbie has been used as a role model for girls. In addition, if you compare the proportions of the body of Barbie, then this is anorexic. However, experts argue that the chances of meeting a woman with the same neck, like a doll – 1 to 4.3 billion. Similar in volume to the waist: 1 of 2.4 billion. As for Ken, his figure as a whole is much closer to real one. The doll company claims to be similar the figure was very convenient for making hooks, Velcro and zippers on clothes of such a tiny size. In 1998, the Barbie Waist was enlarged and her breasts became smaller to make her body more real. However, this did not help: there were many others factors that would not allow a woman with such a figure exist on planet Earth.

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