Battle dolphins and other naval warfare living creatures

A photo from open sources

Having made land an arena for wars, man soon moved the military action and at sea. However, water is an alien environment for man, and he began to look for an assistant in her.

The first was Russia

The first to propose the use of marine animals in the military purposes, was the famous Russian trainer Vladimir Durov. In 1915 year, he proposed the use of dolphins and sea lions to fight with German submarines. Under Balaclava was created secret base where the famous trainer worked with marine animals.

Soon the Germans found out about this. One day, Durov, coming in the morning to the base for the next training, I found that all animals are dead. As it turned out, they were poisoned. Navy engaged in business counterintelligence, but the 17th year struck, and the investigation itself stopped by myself.

In 1939, work on the training of fighting dolphins was carried out in Sweden, but if revolution prevented Russia, then Sweden – Second World War.

Dolphins “made in USA”

The idea was revived by the Americans. “Casting” was held by representatives 19 species of animals, including sharks and sea birds. Most the same dolphins were recognized as suitable for military service and sea ​​lions. Having decided on the choice, the military deployed large-scale program for the preparation and use of marine mammals for military purposes. US “fighters” for the first time “tested” during the Vietnam War.

A photo from open sources

Vietnamese combat swimmers regularly sank American military and transport ships in the bays of Da Nang, Saigon and Kamran. To ensure the security of their ports, the Americans Operation “Quick Search” involving dolphins and sea ​​lions. 6 animals were delivered to Vietnam training on the basis of San Diego (California). With their help for 15 months, about 50 swimmers-saboteurs were caught and neutralized. Two Soviet scuba divers were killed.

The Gulf War (1991) was attended by 75 American “war marine mammals.” According to information Pentagon, animals were used to search for mines, and only in the bay Umm-Qasr port they found more than 100 pieces. Dolphin named Tuffy was promoted to sergeant.

A photo from open sources

US Marine Biological Program continues in 2007 at she was allocated $ 14 million. Today in The US Navy includes 5 marine mammal units, where 75 dolphins and about 20 sea lions “pass the service”. The main The tasks of these units are: search and destruction of anchor and bottom sea mines, detection of underwater saboteurs and submarines the enemy, the undermining of sea targets, the detection of sunken objects, protection of scuba divers from sharks.

Soviet battle dolphins

Dolphins were also trained in the USSR. The project was under the control of the Commander in Chief of the Navy, Admiral Gorshkov. In 1967 in Cossack bay near Sevastopol were trained 50 animals. Even while in the aviary, dolphins found a swimmer at a distance up to 500m. Efficiency in the daytime reached 80%, at night – 60% In the open sea, the indicator reached 100%. During the exercises on there were no breakthroughs by the dolphins’ protection of the port water area, all “saboteurs” were “identified and destroyed.”

Particularly pleased with the military ability of dolphins to find objects under water, the smallest, right down to the nuts. Huge the number of mines and torpedoes remaining after the Second World War and unexploded during the exercises, were found, raised and neutralized. Using their natural radar, dolphins found objects under a half-meter layer of silt that was just beyond the power of scuba divers. Once on their “tip” raised automatic mini-submarine, lost 10 years ago. Joys the military, whom the authorities did not tire of reproaching for 10 years in a row lost submarine, there was simply no limit.

A few words about myths and prospects for the future

Contrary to myths, dolphins were not taught to kill people, only find. It’s not a matter of the peace of the military, just after the attack ended in the death of a person, the animals experienced a strong stress, subsequently sabotaged teams and became unsuitable for further use. Not without reason about friendliness dolphins formed legends. But sea lions and seals did not suffer sentiments and calmly poked scuba divers poisoned needles and knives.

In 1991, the Crimean Dolphinarium became Ukrainian and this fact immediately the most mournful way affected his fate. Educated by Soviet specialists, dolphins sold to Iran (as stated officials, “for the use of animals in extremely peaceful goals! “). The coaches quit and left for Russia. But now that Sevastopol Dolphinarium became Russian again, work on training dolphins will be resumed, this has already been announced Responsible representatives of the Russian Navy.

Sharks War Water Time Dolphins Russia Sevastopol USA

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