Battle of the giants

BattlePhotos from open sources Soon, a battle of giant robots may take place United States and Japan. People piloted cars converge in the most exciting epic battle.

True, this requires the consent of Japan, which was recently abandoned challenge inventors of the USA. From the United States put up a robot for the game paintball – MegaBot II, which is almost five meters tall and lead about seven tons (pictured). This supercar has two modular guns and capable of continuous fire at speed almost two hundred kilometers per hour.

Japan, in case of accepting the call, may set up a lighter one, however, a significantly technically advanced model that has a multi-barrel Gatling machine gun, as well as the most complex computer aiming system.

According to one of the co-founders of this combat show, Gui Cavalcanti, they plan to make science fiction – the world of robots – in real life. And while it’s just a game, it’s actually everything goes to ensure that such robots are the main warriors future battles, if such battles take place (do not let God).

If Japanese inventors give their consent, then a game battle (very similar to the real one) between the robots of the USA and Japan will take place already this year, perhaps even at the end of summer.

US Robots Japan

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