Battle of times

Battle of the timesPhotos from open sources of

When scientists think about what time is, then in fact it turns out that this is not even some physical quantity, as is customary to consider, but just a convention, invented for convenience to manipulate the consciousness of the masses from a certain handful of people – mostly priests and politicians.

The fact is that for the common man at all times, a calendar (for example, modern chronology no more than one and a half thousand years) did not play any role. But interesting in this regard is completely different. It turns out that our reckoning far from reflects the true status.

Despite the fact that in scientific circles at all times huge trust in written documents, it turns out that history was constantly being copied and corrected by someone. For example, the Middle Ages is the period that is most covered by all in the dark. Scientists have found that in France alone in the period “lost time” (or rather, erased from history by someone intentionally) there were about two dozen monarchs. But who needed destroy all memory of them and rewrite history?

Photo from open sources

Who rewrites history and why

As a matter of fact, to whom – this is understandable, since it is precisely at that time appear and acquire unlimited power various Masonic communities, just remember the Rosicrucian, Templars, Dominicans, Franciscans, Jesuits and so on. But why did they need to delete centuries from history?

By the way, the most accurate calendar for this reason can be considered Chinese, where Masonic lodges were not included. So on it today is 4714. So why does the rest of the world live focusing on the mythical birth date of Jesus Christ, which is so it was another great fake, because there is an opinion that The Savior was born much later.

Photo from open sources

Today, advanced scientists no longer consider historical documents are something genuine and unshakable. Just remember an ancient laboratory for falsifying such manuscripts found in Rome. Moreover, such “factories of false history” in the world could be very, very a lot, not to mention that the annals could be compiled by whatever – from Freemasons pursuing any political and economic (and even space) goals, to purely sick, that is crazy people. That is why the history of Russia was written, transcribed. What can we say about the Middle Ages, when and in our time the history of Russia (for example, in Ukraine) is rewritten in for the sake of politicians.

The documentary “Battle of the Times” only opens the curtain of this terrible secret, that is, to whom and why it was necessary fake a story. But here’s what’s interesting: in the world so far there are forces that resist in every way that the whole truth was disclosed. Apparently in the “lost piece of time” there is a certain a mystery that is of great importance to humanity today. Most likely, the powers that be due to the concealment of this mystery in no way do not want to let go of their hands that which gives them undivided power over human consciousness.

Russia time

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