A photo Open Source PHOTO: depositphotos.com External attractiveness is closely related to the immune system – to such The conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Turku (Finland). According to researchers, handsome men are less likely to get colds than those whom nature has cheated. According to experts, beauty depends on the activity of the immune system and the amount of antibody produced against colds, writes the Daily Mail. But the representatives the fair half of humanity was unlucky. In women, sure researchers, beauty does not help immunity. Scientists have done vaccinations tested young women and measured the level produced antibodies and cartisol – a hormone that is an indicator of stress. Then scientists photographed these women and asked 18 young students to evaluate their appearance. “Unlike results in men, we found that the immune response in women not related to the attractiveness of the face, “said one of the authors research by Marcus Rantala. “Perhaps feminine appeal signals us a different level of immune defense than a man’s ” – suggested by scientists. And noted that it’s too early to do final conclusions and say that attractive face in women It is not the same indicator of strong immunity as in men. “We need to do further research. As long as we know, that feminine attractiveness does not provide additional protection from hepatitis B, but it is associated with two other aspects long-term health and fertility – stress hormone levels cortisol and percent body fat, “experts added. Despite the beauty that saves from disease, men have a weak resistance mechanism for various colds and viral diseases. Moreover, there are real flu viruses, which are almost harmless for women, but the powers that be really beat on the spot. And if the ladies sometimes get sick, then only due to constant communication with children. Representatives at that time the stronger sex tend to “pick up” viruses and without extraneous help. This is the conclusion reached by researchers at the London School Hygiene and tropical medicine.