A photo from open sources
“Beer belly” intimidated entire generations of youth. This many of us like a drink, but are afraid to drink plenty – it will grow stomach. However, as it turned out, there is no relationship between “drinking” and the size of the abdomen does not exist.
In the Czech Republic, for example, a study was conducted on identifying this alleged relationship in which participated more than a thousand people – both men and women beer lovers gender. Subjects answered various tricky questions, concerning alcohol (in particular beer) and their habits. After this was a medical examination by definition the ratio of the proportions of the body and the amount of adipose tissue of each participant.
The study showed that the idea of linking the size of the abdomen with the calories in beer are fundamentally wrong. On the figure many other factors, in particular age, heredity, nutritional features and so on. Thus, on beer belly charges from our favorite drink removed. At least the Czechs.