A photo from open sources
For lovers of gossip about the paranormal theme of Bermuda the triangle is one of my favorites. But researchers more attention given to the marshes of Ilkley – an anomalous area in English county Yorkshire. And she is on land, not in the sea, and to get there incomparably simpler, and as for any devilry – so it is not there less than in the Bermuda Triangle, and maybe even more.
Unknown civilization
Archeologists often come to the Ilkli area. Many thousands of years ago there was a civilization, from which there was practically no nothing. Only legends, traditions, and forming a circle of 12 stones, which the locals call the 12 apostles. Archaeologists believe that once upon a time there was a 7x8m pyramid. For hundreds of years people broke it using stone for farm buildings – and completely destroyed.
Throughout the valley here and there are plates with deposited on them drawings. Exactly the same petroglyphs are found thousands of kilometers in Italy. What was this unknown civilization, stretching from Britain to the Apennine Peninsula? Archaeologists are looking for answers to this and other questions, but until they find them.
Zone X
A photo from open sources
For researchers paranormal in Ilkley their puzzles. Poisonous green lights dancing over swamps, under the root burning vegetation, ghosts and ghosts, the souls of the dead, seeking solace and wandering among abandoned mines and dumps of rocks – All this from time immemorial has been abundant here. In the 20th century Ghosts were replaced by UFOs with aliens. Moreover, they often allow you to shoot yourself on photo and video equipment, which is how usually always try to avoid.
One of the most famous cases occurred on December 1, 1987. of the year.
A photo from open sources
Police Story
That day around 7am I went to the swamps, taking with me your Nikon. Ilkley’s morning landscapes are very picturesque and I hoped to make some good shots. That day the whole sky over the swamps was a huge cloud. I went down to the quarry and saw a huge dog rushing at me. She raced without touching land. I didn’t even have time to get scared and clicked the shutter several times the camera. When the distance between us fell to 20 meters, there was a clap, a flash – the dog disappeared, only flew in the air strange white ashes.
I headed toward the landing and heard a strange buzzing sound. About 15 meters stood a humanoid creature, a little taller meters with a perfectly round head and puffy arms and legs. I clicked and clicked the camera, and it waved his hands, all his view expressing displeasure. Then jumped into the making a sound a metal box, it took off and hid in a cloud. In conclusion total, at home the officer discovered that 2.5 hours had “dropped out” of his life time.
A photo from open sources
Word for experts
The officer faced a difficult choice. Call of duty required from him to report to all the bosses about what happened, but at the same time he he feared if such a strange tale would harm his career. Frustrated with doubts, he contacted the paranormal researcher Arthur Tomplinson, and he met with the photojournalist magazine “British Journal of Photography” and asked to do examination of pictures. A few days later came the response “signs no photo montage was found. “Experts gave the same answer “Nikon.” In store for these documents, the cop wrote a detailed report and provided it along with snapshots and conclusions experts to their superiors.
The mystery of the missing 2.5 hours
A photo from open sources
Making sure the pictures and story are not a hoax, Tomplinson invited the policeman to undergo regressive hypnosis. The officer agreed, the session was conducted by British hypnotherapist George E. Singleton
A policeman immersed in hypnosis said that through a pipe with luminous walls was pulled into the spacecraft and ended up in a white room, constantly changing shape. There he was subjected to medical examination by the apparatus, which took the form of it body. Alien policeman described as undersized creatures with pointed ears, round purple-black eyes, small mouth and nose. The skin is matte-rough, green, on hands 3 fingers, 2 feet.
Strange “selectivity”
Upon a request to divulge his story, the policeman after some hesitation agreed, but provided incognito. “To me I don’t need money or fame, and I don’t want journalists turned my life into a nightmare, ”he explained his condition. The officer continued his service in the police and no one else talked about his strange adventure.
After 1987, for 5 years, aliens showed themselves to be 9 more times, and always to security or rescue services (4 police officers, 3 firefighters and 2 rescuers). It is strange, but it fact.
We are looking for a clue
What explains the anomaly of Ilkley? Geophysicists claim that in this area there are seismic stresses of the soil, at whose energy is freed, distorting the fundamental properties time and space, forming a kind of “hole”. Through this a portal and aliens and other “drums” are poking back and forth.
There is another clue. The volume of dumps of rocks of ancient mines decreases every year by 3%. Maybe in the trash we do not need are there elements needed by future technologies? And strange are creatures couriers coming for rare raw materials? Confirm or only time can refute it.
Bermuda Triangle Life Stones Dogs