Photo from open sources
Bigfoot is still not recognized by academic science in the simple reason that it’s not to be caught, killed, or even taken off high-quality video fails. Too smart, smart and careful this yeti.
But not only the above qualities help him to be elusive. This is a mysterious creature without any exaggeration. possesses those lost properties that could be owned and a man, if he hadn’t been encouraged to develop according to technogenic the script. Namely: Yeti owns telepathy, hypnosis and can become invisible or, as independent scholars say, partially or fully move in parallel space.
Perhaps that’s why there is even an opinion that Bigfoot is unreal creature or even an alien. But if you turn to tales of this legendary hominid of North American Indians, then they considered him a completely physical humanoid animal, clearly separating from forest spirits or ghosts, however, attributing to him some superpowers, including the ability to become invisible to human eyes.
Researchers and witnesses about the invisible yeti
This is noticed by many yeti hunters or even random people, faced with this mysterious creature. Here, for example, is how describes a similar meeting by American farmer Lyle Maxson:
In 1977, bigfoot appeared in our area, it became to notice people and report this to the police, so soon the guards order, bigfoot hunters, journalists and just a great many have appeared here. It seemed to me personally all this is a pretended production, an excessive hype that I never not welcomed in life. But one evening I myself ran into this mysterious creature. No, I didn’t see him, I heard him. It walked beside me in the twilight of the approaching night, crunched, puffed and a nozzle, but at the same time, no matter how hard my vision, I did not see anyone. I even lit a flashlight, but even that was useless. Definitely big foot can become invisible to the eyes …
A photo from open sources
And here is what an independent researcher of the phenomenon says about this Bigfoot Thomas Hughes:
Yeti can increase the frequency of their body to such a level that just disappear from a person’s field of vision. They do it, I think, easily, almost automatically, as soon as they see or feel a person, since it is the most dangerous enemy for them: people from ancient times preyed on these mysterious hominids, therefore in their genes – be wary of such meetings. That’s why bigfoot is so hard even to meet, not to mention kill, but to catch alive – that’s for sure from areas of science fiction …
Something similar can be read on the Soul spiritualistic site. Guidance, where another yeti explorer shares his considerations about the fantastic abilities of these creatures:
Bigfoot easily changes physical frequency, making can not only become invisible to our imperfect view, but also generally move into another dimension. With this yeti can watch us from that parallel world or even be in the border space: in this case they publish the sounds we hear are even able to hit a person, but at the same time remain invisible. It is no coincidence that so many cases when hunters they shoot a snowman, and he disappears before their eyes. By this for the same reason, people saw an yeti easily passing through walls, suddenly disappearing on video and so on.
A photo from open sources
Opponents and supporters of the existence of the Bigfoot never reconcile. The first can believe in him, only caught in his paws or in his parallel world, however Having returned from there (there are also such cases), they themselves become ardent supporters of the theory of the real existence of yeti, but at the same time they cannot prove anything to other skeptics. However, if someone managed to not only make high-quality video, but even kill (perhaps this has already happened more than once) Bigfoot, in the world of science nothing would have changed: no one will ever allow to destroy an established myth of physical reality, unshakable foundations which we are hammered into our heads from childhood until death. Well, at least after it, something clears up, at least so say almost everyone who survived a clinical death …
Yeti Parallel Worlds