Photos from open sources of
A group of American travelers from Provo, Utah went on a hike in the local mountains in early January of this year in order to find traces of a snowman there. The fact is that Austin Craig, one of the participants in the attack, became shortly before this. witness to an unusual picture. He and his family were lucky probably see from afar the real big foot. Shaggy figure over two meters high appeared on a hill and walked away, hiding behind the trees.
Fortunately, the family successfully captured this huge dark silhouette. on a smartphone camera. By turning on the video below, you can see the monster yourself. Craig and his comrades climbed onto that the very hill and found there tracks in the snow that could well belong to big foot. Alas, the snow managed to melt, and the tracks began to shapeless enough. However, our heroes are convinced that these prints were left here by the legendary sasquatch, whom the family of Craig was lucky to see.
It is worth noting that a snowman is often noticed in Utah. Last year, according to American statistics cryptozoologists, the number of collisions with bigfoot was here about two thousand. Experts suggest that in different parts the state lives entire families of yetis, which sometimes come to cities, however, most often try to avoid people. Maybe, Austin and his relatives managed to photograph just such relict hominid.
Bigfoot Snow