Photo from open sources
Two teenagers from the Netherlands rested in nature when accidentally noticed something strange and frightening in the distance. More precisely, someone. One of the young travelers filming the forest on camera right there pointed the recorder at a stranger. On video captured a dark humanoid figure peeking out depths of the forest and looking obviously at tourists. Young the Dutch are convinced that they came across a yeti.
The incident took place in April 2014, however researchers of supernatural phenomena have paid close attention attention to this material only now, resulting in the mysterious video quickly scattered across social networks and others resources. Many experts have concluded that the recording is genuine, and the creature fixed on it is really snowy by man. By the way, in the Netherlands, cases of observation of the alleged relic hominids are quite rare, so this video can considered very valuable to science.
Lucas and Jeroen said that the weather was fine, and they went to the Veluwez national park in the province Gelderland. Friends planned to visit the nearest watchtower forester, however, found that it was closed after a breakdown some vandals. There were two more vacationers nearby, and all four present at this “festival of failure” all of a sudden … witnessed the appearance of a mysterious humanoid behind the trees, which scared them and puzzled them.
The elusive yeti from the parallel world
In the video below you can see how Lucas and Jeroen consider a broken tower, then pay attention to a small stone monument of World War II. Unexpectedly from strange banging sounds come in the woods, as if someone was struggling hits there with a stick on a tree. When Lucas directs towards these sounds camera, there is a tall black erect a figure resembling a large shaggy monkey. “What it is?” – in the operator asks for surprise.
A young man with a camera zooms in the trees, and behind one of the trunks suddenly shows a dark head belonging obviously not Homo Sapiens. “Look at that! What is this thing ?!” – exclaims a shocked young man. His friend shouts loudly a stranger, and a creepy head instantly disappears behind a tree. From the forest a knock is heard again, this time even louder, and eyewitnesses to this a mysterious scene headlong rush away, apparently deciding that bigfoot is too hostile towards them.
Skeptics believe that it was a thin bear or even a large a woodpecker moving along the trunk of a tree and banging on it with its beak. Everything is possible, as well as the fact that another inhabitants of the Earth was lucky to meet with a representative of the parallel world – the elusive yeti. At least there is such an opinion, and it has full right to exist …
Yeti Parallel Worlds