Photo from open sources
Northwest American Hunter Pennsylvania shared with users of the World Wide Web quite unusual shot. According to the man, in recent weeks he has become notice that someone is chasing him in the forest. Tall dark silhouette appeared on the hills, hiding behind trees and rocks. Our hero, surprised and even somewhat frightened by this, they decided to find out whose he drew attention to himself, what kind of beast pursues him, and therefore set a couple of camera traps in the forest.
Motion cameras take pictures whenever something flashes in front of them: an animal running past a bird that has hung near or even a leaf that has fallen from a tree. The American received dozens of such shots fixing something like this before the trap caught a mysterious alien, on which, in fact, was placed.
A photo from open sources
The most amazing thing is that he clearly went to the camera and looked right into her lens, apparently due to curiosity. Shaggy massive a monkey-like figure captured quite well on photo so that it can not be confused, for example, with a flashed leaflet.
Of course, many, including the hunter himself, felt that the device “caught” the legendary Bigfoot. Maybe, the alleged relict hominid noticed that the camera is striking stands out against the background of everything around, and began with surprise look at a strange item.
The picture interested many cryptozoologists and researchers yeti. Most experts who studied the photo concluded that it is genuine and demonstrates bigfoot. Unfortunately, and in this case, the quality of the photo is not awesome, but, apparently, such a creature yeti: clever and elusive, but … certainly curious …