A photo from open sources
On the Big Otter Non-Municipal Territory in West Virginia Photographed the alleged Bigfoot.
This picture was taken in the summer (lush green vegetation around), however something unusual on it noticed just now. Image shows a mysterious dark a figure standing on the edge of the forest. Tall anthropomorphic silhouette looks like it’s going to go deep into the woods thickets.
Some users of the World Wide Web believe that this is in the very really a snow man. Perhaps the legendary relic hominid by unknown reason left the forest and then hastened to return to his natural habitat. Other commentators suggest that we are talking about a goblin or a similar spirit of nature. According to third, this just a huge stump. Fourth say that the photo is captured big humanoid monkey. Well, the fifth one thinks that this an ordinary gorilla joker. The only catch is that such huge, yeti-like stumps are quite rare, almost impossible. Then, the big monkeys in West Virginia don’t live, and a costume masquerade in nature – this is so it is unlikely and even absurd that only inveterate materialists, ready to believe in any nonsense, if only she met the physical laws of our world.
Why are people trying to catch a bigfoot?
Be that as it may, bigfoot researchers familiar with snapshot, they report that the material is very curious and even from the first look does not look like a fake. Specialists do not presume to say whether it’s really yeti or not, however, they remind that in 2004 Big Otter repeatedly noticed a similar being. The number of witnesses of the appearance of the monster exceeded then 15 people. Inveterate sasquatch hunters then came here in all over the United States yes catch a yeti not so simply.
To summarize all the information collected about the Bigfoot for past and present centuries, it is easy to understand that no intelligent person will not hunt and even more so try to catch this mysterious a creature with telepathy, hypnosis, teleportation and so further, not to mention his physical power. Gotta be grateful yeti even for the fact that he, unlike a person, completely non-aggressive and does not show such an unhealthy curiosity towards us, how are we towards him …