Bigfoots are already filming even dogs?

Evens are already filming dogs?Photos from open sources of

The author of this video on which the American dog runs through a forest in Oregon with a GoPro camera attached to it, and removes everything, including catches supposedly snowy lens man, obviously, read little about yeti.

Bigfoot still can not be removed with high quality on the camera just because it has amazing abilities, up to hypnosis and the effect of invisibility. Moreover, he can affect the psyche of any earthly being, why people often panic at the sight of him, and dogs, as a rule, tighten the tail and carried off headlong or cling to the legs the owner.

And here the dog with the camera is not only not afraid of the yeti, but even especially does not respond to a flashing mysterious creature, he is at the same time indifferently turns his face away. That’s why users came almost to the unanimous opinion that instead of bigfoot was the owner of the dog, disguised as a monkey and walking through the forest with his dog. For this purpose, the most suitable camera was chosen – GoPro, which can not give a high-quality video stream. In consequence it remains only to select the desired fragment from all the captured material, where the sasquatch only flashes in a blurry video – and a sensational the video is ready.

There are much more convincing snow videos on the web man. Definitely only one thing, yeti appear around the world, and a similar fragment that this video demonstrates, could very well have taken place. That’s just the dog here is clearly superfluous – she only spoils everything …

Bigfoot Dogs

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