A photo from open sources
The history of the bicycle has exceeded, allegedly, for two hundred years, because that it is believed that the German Carl Dres invented it in 1817, however image of a two-wheeled vehicle can be found, for example, in the Indian temple of Panchavarnaswami, which has more than two thousand years.
A photo from open sources
It turns out that the simplest “car on wheels” was known earthlings a very long time, however, this vehicle is still haunts people: they keep inventing again and again bike. True, in this case he is increasingly acquiring features something far from its original purpose.
For example, Swede Michael Kellman invented a bike from the rain, very similar to a small car, and the German Frank Dawes created the most a heavy bicycle, somewhat reminiscent of a tractor – and such a record abound. For example, the fastest bike will be cleaned the bullet-shaped model of his jet engine Aerovelo Eta, which in Nevada, the United States set a speed record of nearly 145 kilometers per hour.
And how do you like the record of Australian designers from the city Adelaides who welded and assembled a 42 meter long bike, why did he enter the Guinness Book of Records?
But bicycle records, we note, are set not only in plan for the invention of its new designs. Even on an ordinary bike, people constantly make some amazing achievements. Then ride on the roofs of high-rise buildings, at the risk of falling down, then along the narrow steep fishing rods of cities or along mountain trails – without fail great speed.
Constantly cyclists set records for conquering mountain heights. The last such achievement was the rise of German Guido Kunze cyclist to a height of 6233 meters (second highest mountain in South America, by the way, with an active volcano).
There is even a Cyclists’ Day in the world, which is celebrated in the last day of May, and ride two-wheeled vehicles without almost everyone can do motor in the world. According to statistics, in the world many more people who cannot swim than those who do not know how to ride a bike. Remarkable, isn’t it? ..
Fancy Records Records