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Bill Gates talked about a vaccine to reduce population. Microsoft founder and one of the richest people in the world, Bill Gates, having the image of a benevolent philanthropist using his billions through his (exempted) Bill and Melinda Foundation Gates, “deals with the problems of disease and shortage food in Africa, and also struggling with poverty, the channel writes Novin 24. At a recent conference in California, Gates opened the curtain on an almost unknown aspect of his charity – population decline, or in other words – eugenics. Gates mentioned this at a private conference in Long Beach, California called TED2010 Conference in a speech “Updating to zero!”. Along with the absurd from the point of view of science worldwide artificial CO2 reduction proposal to zero by 2050, about the fourth and a half minute of their Gates’ speech states: “First we got a population. In the world today 6.8 billion people. This number will increase to about 9 billion. Now, if we really do a great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services health, we will reduce it, perhaps by 10 or 15 percent. “(1) (emphasized by UE). In plain English, one of the most influential people in the world clearly said that he expects a vaccine, to be used to reduce population growth. When Bill Gates talks about vaccines, he knows what he’s talking about. IN January 2010 at the elite World Economic Forum Davos Gates announced that over the next decade his foundation will allocate $ 10 billion (about € 7.5 billion) for the development and delivery of new vaccines for children in developing countries. (2) The main emphasis in its multi-billion dollar Fund is vaccination, especially in Africa and other developing countries. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is founding member of the GAVI Alliance (Global Alliance for Vaccination and immunization) in partnership with the World Bank, WHO and vaccine manufacturers. GAVI’s goal is to vaccinate everyone newborn baby in the developing world. Today it looks like a noble charity work. The problem is that the vaccine industry has been repeatedly caught by the hand in hiding hazardous effects (insecurity due to unverified or even proven unhealthy) vaccines for nothing suspicious Third World populations when they cannot get rid of western vaccines. (3) Some organizations believe that the true goal of vaccination is to weaken people and make their even more susceptible to disease and premature death. (4) Toxins dumped into the Third World Based on the last unnecessary the proclamation of the global swine flu H1N pandemic, hundreds of millions of doses left in the hands of industrial countries untested vaccine. They decided to get rid of the remaining burdensome drugs by placing them at the disposal of WHO, which in turn gathered to give them out to the poor for free countries. France gave 91 million of the 94 million doses that Sarkozy purchased from pharmaceutical giants; Great Britain gave 55 million of its 60 million doses. Same history in Germany and Norway. (5) Dr. Thomas Jefferson, An epidemiologist at the Cochrane Research Center in Rome, said: “Why Do they give out vaccines in developing countries? Pandemic was canceled in most parts of the world. Greatest threat to the poor countries now represent cardiac and cardiovascular diseases, and the virus appears at the bottom of the list. In what a medical reason for donating 180 million doses? “(6) Besides flu is also a minor issue in countries with abundant the sun, and it turned out the universal “new big plague H1N1” was the most mild flu from written history. Pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturers are silent about the huge damage to children’s health vaccinations, including autism and numerous neuromuscular deformities caused by toxic adjuvants and preservatives used in most vaccines. Many vaccines especially combined, which are cheaper for sale in countries Third World, contain the so-called Thimerosal (Thiomersol in the EU), a compound (sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate) containing about 50% of mercury used as a preservative. In July 1999 US National Vaccine Information Center said in a press release that the “cumulative effect of mercury can cause brain damage. “In the same month, the American Academy Pediatrics and Center for Disease Control and Prevention warned the public about possible health effects, associated with thimerosal-containing vaccines. They are strongly recommended that thimerosal be removed from the vaccine as soon as possible. IN in accordance with the 1997 FDA Modernization Directive, Food and Drug Administration also determined that children who received several times thimerosal-containing vaccines may receive mercury in excess recommended federal regulations. (7) New forms of eugenics? Interest Gates in population decline among blacks and others minorities is not, unfortunately, something new. As i show with documents in my book Seeds of Destruction (8), Rockefeller Foundation since 1920 funded research on eugenics in Germany in Kaiser-Wilhelm institutes in Berlin and Munich, including in times of the Third Reich. They praised forced population sterilization in Nazi Germany and Nazi ideas about “racial purity.” It was John Rockefeller III, a lifelong supporter eugenics, used the money of his freed from Fund taxation means to initiate the Neo-Malthusian population reduction movement through its private council on population in New York since 1950. Idea use of vaccine to secretly reduce fertility in countries A third world is also not new. Bill Gates Good Friend – David Rockefeller and its Rockefeller Foundation, together with WHO and others, were still in 1972 involved in a major improvement project another “new vaccine.” The result of this project was a massive human use as guinea pigs in the early 1990s. WHO oversaw massive tetanus vaccination campaigns in Nicaragua, Mexico and the Philippines. At Comite Pro Vida de Mexico, the Roman Catholic organization suspected motives WHO program, she decided to test numerous ampoules with vaccines and found in their contents human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG. It was a very mysterious component of the vaccine, designed to protect people from diseases that occur in as a result of infection of the wound with rusty nails or other contact with some bacteria in the soil. Tetanus itself is indeed also quite rare. In addition, it is very interesting that hCG is a natural hormone necessary to maintain pregnancy. However, the combination of tetanus pathogen with hCG stimulated the formation of antibodies to the latter, making a woman unable to get out of the prescribed pregnancy, in other words, this was a latent form of abortion. Related vaccine reports with hCG hormone supplementation came from the Philippines and Nicaragua. (9) Gates’ Genetic Revolution in Africa Bill and Melinda Foundation Gates “together with the creator of biotechnology GMO Rockefeller Foundation Rockefeller also finances a project called the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa “(AGRA), which is led by a former UN Head Kofi Annan. Taking the reins as head AGRA in June 2007 Annan expressed “appreciation to the Fund Rockefeller, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and all the rest that support our African campaign. “On AGRA’s Board of Directors people from both Foundations mentioned by Annan prevail. (10) Monsanto, Dupont, Dow, Syngenta and other major giants GMO’s agribusiness is rumored to be at the very heart of AGRA, using it as a covert channel to spread their GMO’s patented seeds in many African countries under deceptive bio-technology label, euphemism for genetic engineering patented seeds. Gates Foundation Person Responsible for Work with AGRA – Dr. Robert Horsch, Veteran “Monsanto”, who worked in the topic of GMOs for 25 years, was a member of the team that developed Monsanto’s Roundup Ready GMO technology. His job is reportedly to use Gates money to push GMOs to Africa. (11) On Today, South Africa is the only African country to Legislative level allowing agricultural landings GMO crops. In 2003, Burkina Faso authorized a GMO tests. In 2005, the homeland of Kofi Annan in Ghana was compiled biosafety legislation and key officials expressed intention to continue research on GMOs cultures. AGRA is now used to create agro-dealer networks all over Africa (the first step does not say anything about GMOs seeds and herbicides) in order to subsequently have infrastructure for mass implementation of GMOs. (12) GMOs, glyphosate and population decline Consumption of genetically modified crops have never been proven safe for human or animal. In addition, they are genetically inherently “Unstable” because they are an unnatural product of introduction foreign bacteria, for example Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) or another material in the DNA of a given seed material to change its properties. Perhaps no less dangerous are “Related” chemical herbicides sold as mandatory part of a GMO contract, such as the Monsanto Roundup – the most similar herbicide widely used in the world. It contains very toxic glyphosate compounds. The latter were tested independent researchers who have proven toxic concentrations in GMO applications exceeding the safe level for human or animal. Studies have shown that even a small the amount of glyphosate compounds will harm the umbilical cord, human embryonic and placental cells in a pregnant woman, using groundwater near the fields as drinking water, seeded GMOs. (13) One long-standing U.S. government project was to to develop a genetically modified variety corn is a staple in Mexico and many others Latin American countries. This corn has been tested in USDA funded research and a small California biotechnology company under the name “Epicitis.” Announcing their successes at a press conference in 2001, President of Epicit Mitch Hein, pointing to his GMO fields corn, said: “We have a greenhouse with corn, which produces antibodies against sperm. “(14) Hein explained that they taken antibodies from women with a rare condition known as immune infertility, isolated genes that regulate the production of these infertility antibodies, and using genetic engineering methods, inserted them into the genome of ordinary corn seeds for corn production plants. So in reality they prepared a hidden food-based contraception to man. “Essentially, antibodies are attracted to surface sperm receptors, “Hein said.” They attach and make every sperm so heavy that it cannot move forward. He just shakes as if dancing a lambada. “(15) Hein argued that this was a possible solution to the problem “overpopulation” of the world. The moral and ethical dimensions of feeding this corn of people in poor Third World countries without their knowledge somehow dropped out of his remarks. Spermicides hidden in GMOs corn supplied to the population of the starving countries of the Third World thanks to the generosity of the Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and AGRA Kofi Annana, or vaccines containing undisclosed sterilization agents, – only two documented vaccine use cases or GMO seeds for “population reduction”. And the “Good Club” Speech Gates at TED2010 on Zero Emissions and Reductions population is consistent with the message that appeared on New York Irish.Central.com in May 2009. According to reports, 5 May 2009 at the home of Sir Paul Rockefeller University President Nursa (Paul Nurse) held a secret meeting of some of the most rich people of America. There was investment guru Warren Buffett, who in 2006 decided to consolidate his $ 30 billion Buffett Foundation with the Gates Foundation to create the world’s largest private fund with $ 60 billion exempted from taxes. Banker David Rockefeller was the host of the meeting. Exclusive invitations were signed by Gates, Rockefeller and Buffett. They decided to call themselves “Good Club”. Also attended by media king Ted Turner, the billionaire founder of CNN, who back in 1996 declared in an interview for Audubon nature magazine that 95 percent reduction of the world’s population to 225 – 300 million would be “perfect.” In a 2008 interview for Temple University in Philadelphia, Turner made a correction and talked about reducing to 2 billion, more than 70% of the population today. Even less more elegant than Gates, Turner said that “we have too many people. That is why we have global warming. We need less people using less property (stuff) (sic). “(16) Among Other invited to this first meeting of the Good Club were: Eli Broad, who made his billions on real estate, New York City billionaire and mayor Michael Bloomberg, Wall Street billionaire and former head of the Council on Foreign Relations Peter. J. Peterson (Peter G. Peterson). Also Julian Robertson Jr. who made his billions in a hedge fund that worked with Soros, attacking the currencies of Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea and Asian economic tigers, which accelerated the Asian crisis 1997-98 Also attended the first session of the “Good Club” Patti Stonesifer, former executive director of the Gates Foundation, and John Morgridge from Cisco Systems. This group represents combined value of more than $ 125 billion. (18) According to reports (apparently, it was a leak of one of the participants) meeting was carried out in response to the global economic downturn and numerous medical and environmental crises plaguing world. But the central theme and purpose of the secret meeting of the “Good Club” plutocrats became the priority issue that Bill Gates posed, namely, how to better promote their program birth control and global population decline. IN during the negotiations, it was reported that there was a consensus that they will return “to a strategy in which population growth will be decided as potentially catastrophic environmental, social and industrial threat. “(18) The Gates Eugenics Global Program and Buffett are the main sources of financing global population reduction programs, like Turner, whose UN Fund was created to channel $ 1 billion from its tax-free stock options in AOL-Time-Warner in various reduction programs fertility in developing countries. (19) These programs are in Africa and in other places disguised as charity and providing health services to poor Africans. In fact they are associated with forced sterilization of the population through vaccination and other medicines that make women childbearing infertile. Gates Foundation, where Buffett passed on possession of most of his wealth two years ago, also supports the introduction of GMO seeds in Africa undercover led by Kofi Annan of the Second Green Revolution in Africa. The introduction of patented GMO seeds in Africa is still found with huge resistance from the local population. Medical experts note that even if Gates’s intentions were actually in improving the health and well-being of black Africans then the same hundreds million dollars that he invested in untested and unsafe vaccines could be used in providing minimum sanitary measures: water supply and sewage systems. Vaccination of children who then go to drink contaminated feces River water is unlikely to promote health in every way. Itself by itself, water treatment and sewer systems in Africa could revolutionize healthcare on the continent. Comments Gates at TED2010 Conference on Owning New Vaccines for population declines around the world were clearly not an accidental reservation. Those in doubt can watch the presentation that Gates made at the annual TED2009 conference a year ago. There he almost word for word repeated the thesis of population reduction so that slow down global warming. For strong and influential members A “good club” people are just a form of pollution environment like carbon dioxide emissions.
Africa Bill Gates Water Germany Money DNA Health Mexico USA