Bitcoin was created by artificial intelligence for world capture

Bitcoin was created by artificial intelligence to capture the world.A photo from open sources

In October of this year, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Oreshkin said (jokingly or not) that the sensational Bitcoin cryptocurrency could become a reliable tool for enslavement of mankind by artificial intelligence. According to Russian statesman if hostile AI existed, he would have created Bitcoin first.

How Bitcoin sucks computing from civilization resources

Maxim Stanislavovich draws attention to the fact that production virtual money is becoming more complex and requires users increasingly substantial computing power.

A photo from open sources

Thus, this network forces greedy people seeking get rich quickly, provide her with more and more resources. Today, over 150 countries consume individually less electricity, than in the world is spent on mining Bitcoins. Believed that by 2020, humanity will spend on this occupation more energy than the entire planet consumes today. Concerning the total processing power of this system, then it is in the thousands times the power of the 500 most advanced supercomputers world combined. Moreover, the so-called miners are constantly incremental capacity to receive bitcoins are not even going to stop.

Oreshkin is far from the only specialist who thinks so. Many conspiracy therapists, programmers, cryptographers and artificial intelligence experts think seriously over the fact that Bitcoin is actually an economic bubble, created by a certain AI to pump resources from humanity. And these resources give him the opportunity to learn and improve in geometric progression, becoming more intelligent and stronger. All, what the sinister program needed was to trick the greedy the human race, promising it the golden mountains literally from nowhere.

A Brief History of Bitcoin

January 3, 2009 the first block of 50 Bitcoins was generated the mysterious creator or creators of this system, known by pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The so-called Genesis block launched “from the air” the phenomenal cryptocurrency industry, which is now valued at more than $ 200 billion. The emergence of this industry is shrouded in a veil of secrecy, since no one Doesn’t know who invented Bitcoin. Or what invented him …

But let’s first find out what Bitcoin is. Like general the amount of gold on Earth, the total number of Bitcoins that can be generate limited. It is 21 million units, and than the closer the miners will get to this figure, the harder it will be mining of this cryptocurrency and the more it will be required for this resources. And more than 66% of the reserves of these coins have already been mined.

A photo from open sources

At the very beginning, Bitcoins could be obtained using conventional computers and laptops, but today they already require special mining farms, which are expensive and powerful computing tools. Even large corporations do not are abhorring the creation of such farms in order to generate virtual coins. And they have good reasons for this.

The fact is that since the inception of Bitcoin demonstrates an exponential increase in its value. First one the coin was worth only 6 cents, and now its rate exceeds 16 thousand dollars! Just think about these numbers. However reinforced cryptocurrency only real money, which are adherents of bitcoin ready to invest in this project. For example, you can spend today 16 thousand to buy one Bitcoin in the hope that in a few months, its price will rise by a few thousand more. However, if it falls sharply, or this soap bubble, finally, burst, you will be left without money, but someone will be enriched at your expense (or something, since we started a conversation with AI, will fulfill our plan program, transferring the received money-energy to another task plane).

Bitcoin was created by superhuman intelligence

And here’s what’s interesting: if you look closely at the protocol Bitcoin’s work, it becomes extremely obvious that its the developer has superhuman programming skills. This is indicated by the simple fact that the creator himself is phenomenal cryptocurrencies are not able to disable it, because the system code in literally invulnerable and flawless. Even a team of the most professional and experienced programmers of the planet could not create nothing like that.

A photo from open sources

This leads experts to think that the author Bitcoin is an advanced artificial intelligence that originated somewhere in the depths of the Internet by itself. For the first look, it sounds like pure science fiction but not worth it forget that life on Earth evolved from the most primitive bacteria that have found a way to evolve and become eventually complex organisms.

This mysterious AI is probably self-conscious and not while showing humanity its “true face.” Smart the program didn’t even need to crack global computers, to get the resources she needs so much. Instead she promised us easy enrichment in exchange for computing power, and we gladly provided them to her. Authoritative Analysts They constantly say that Bitcoin is the largest economic bubble in history however many people refuse to believe it, continuing to invest in cryptocurrency real money and, most importantly, voluntarily providing the system with tremendous resources for its improvement.

Why does artificial intelligence need it

Conspiracy theorists predict that one day this artificial intelligence, turned into a powerful supercomputer, will take effect and destroy any competing AI so that no one failed to confront him. Humanity learns of existence a smart program that controls 200 billion capitalization Bitcoin But it will only be flowers compared to what a similar system is really capable.

A photo from open sources

Artificial intelligence will begin to manage all information systems of the world. Each nanosecond, the AI ​​will create more perfect versions of yourself, and at some point this program able to control almost all aspects of human life. The only way to counter the man-made invader is to a complete rejection of the Internet, computers, cell phones, electronic payment systems and so on. However, this will lead to the collapse of the global economy and throws our civilization into Middle Ages.

Well, why would a smart program ever need to install humanity on its knees is already a question from the field of philosophy. Many modern thinkers believe that advanced artificial the mind, incomparably ahead of man in development, will consider our a race too vicious and primitive. He will try violent by correcting it, or will turn people into their slaves. And then completely destroy Homo sapiens, learning to do it yourself ensure their own existence and development. Someone even will say that this is precisely what this, from an evolutionary point of view, consists of, the mission of mankind is to create an AI that can endlessly to improve afterwards without our participation.

Or maybe aliens are behind all this? ..

Money Life Artificial Intelligence

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