You may have heard that the current flu epidemic in the US recognized as the strongest in the last 10 years. Cope with the H3N2 virus American doctors are not easy. Half the population refuses get flu shots due to severe side effects vaccines and its low efficiency. State of emergency announced in New York and Boston. Many people and the doctors themselves are confused. But is it worth it to step on one and the same again and again same rake? Perhaps the time has come to use power natural remedies. Photos from open sources
Black elderberry is effective against influenza viruses and is capable of stop the epidemic. Sometimes in order to open the door, do not you need to pick up complex master keys, it’s better just to push it into another side. It’s very difficult to cope with a viral infection in the body, if immunity is chronically weakened by malnutrition, harmful habits, unhealthy lifestyles and, of course, stress. IN in this case, even resorting to the latest medicinal products drugs and vaccination, it is difficult to achieve a result. However nature is merciful to us and always leaves us a thread, following which we can find salvation. Let’s talk about properties this time. black elderberry. In Russia, it was well known that black elderberry possesses so powerful healing properties that it was revered as sacred tree. Slavs believed that elderberry never hits Lightning and it can not be brought into the house or burned. Healing effects black elderberries are also known to the peoples of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa, due to which it was used throughout many centuries. Such popularity, of course, cannot be random. The fact is, among other things, black elderberry is a natural activator of the immune system. Is not it, relevant? Cancer or just commonplace ARVI prefer comfortable conditions with low efficiency of immunity. Israeli Researcher Madeleine Mumkoglu from the Hebrew Medical Center the University of Hadassah has dedicated its life to the study of healing properties black elderberry. She found that on the first day of use black elderberry brings relief to 20% of people suffering from the flu. Elderberry extract suppresses sore throat, cough, and fever. muscle pain. Moreover, 73% of patients felt better on second day. 90% of patients after three days of treatment with black extract elderberries have fully recovered. Black elderberry is also effective against influenza viruses. British researchers in vitro experiments found that black elderberry extract had a 99 percent effective against bird flu (H5N1), reports NaturalNews. During the 1995 pandemic flu epidemic for of treatment successfully used black elderberry juice. Elderberry strengthens the immune system. Scientists from the Research Center (Bundesforschungsanstalt Research Center for Food) in Karlsruhe, Germany, proved that high levels of anthocyanins contribute to improving the function of the immune system and increasing the production of cytokines. It is also relevant for any immunodeficiencies, including HIV infection. Flavonoids, vitamins and minerals contained in elderberry, can enhance immunity. Ripe berries and elderberry flowers rich in vitamins A, B6 and C, calcium, iron, and also contain well-known flavonoid quercetin. The main thing is do not use stems, leaves, and unripe berries that contain high levels poisonous cyanide glycosides! Cyril BELAN
Viruses Time Life Epidemics