In his frantic desire to eradicate at all costs communism, the Vatican entered into alliances during World War II with many secret societies, fascist groups and detective agencies; since then he has maintained these secret communication. Photos from open sources
Mafia, the CIA and the intelligence apparatus The vatican
Albert Vincent Carone is one of the people who life managed to slip between the raindrops and remain in the shade under any circumstances. He was a paradox shrouded in a veil secrets, an incomprehensible mystery.
Carone served as an investigator for the New York Police Department that did not stop him from becoming “his” man in the Genoese criminal clan. He was familiar with all the major mafiosi of his time, including Vito Genuese, Sam Giancana, Santos Trafficante, Joe Colombo and Pauli Castellano, as well as many others. Dee, daughter of Carone, also knew all these people, called each of them “uncle.” On the Dee’s wedding party, her father divided the guests by giving them two Hall: in one, people involved in mafia circles had fun the other is Albert’s colleagues in the department. Guests never crossed, so carefully kept secrecy. One of Carone’s main function in the police department was to provide CIA drug trafficking to various mafia structures.
Carone died in 1990 under very mysterious circumstances. This was preceded by a period of tremendous personal disappointments, a secret mission in Mexico in 1985, which killed many innocent people.
Meanwhile, another “uncle” was William Casey, director Presidency Central Intelligence Agency Ronald Reagan Casey represented during World War II Office of Strategic Services (OSS). In the 70s he became Chairman of the State Commission Sherpo Securities and the stock market, which governs all US investments. While in office, Casey used Carone as link transmitting important classified information to the head of the mafia clan, Pauli Castellano, through the mediation of his daughter, Dee.
Carone was also a colonel in the US Armed Forces and served in military counterintelligence. Not surprising that by virtue of its close friendship with Bill Casey, he was an undercover CIA agent. But this is just part of the truth. Karone was also the Cavalier of the Sovereign Military The Order of Malta, which has long been a military support for The Vatican and is considered a separate state, endowed with the whole the fullness of state status, including the issuance of their own diplomatic passports.
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
In recent decades, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta became a channel for financing the black gold market and a means CIA money laundering. It is also known that this order is intelligence center of the Vatican. They say that he is involved in the disappearance of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves: in 1991 it disappeared more than 2000 tons; this happened when the head of the USSR was removed from power.
Many leaders now become holders of the Order of Malta figures in the military and intelligence spheres. Such, for example, was CIA Director Bill Casey. Former NATO General and Former US Secretary of State Alexander Haig, General Vernon Walters, former CIA Honorary Director to the Director of the Central intelligence George Boucher, subsequently appointed ambassador for special missions in the ronald reagan administration legendary chapter Office of Strategic Services (CIA prototype) Wild Bill Donovan, as well as his associate and former CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton – all these people received the title of Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
And John McCone, another prominent American figure a secret agency, was elevated to the Knights. And this list is possible continue. The most interesting is the figure of Reinhard Helena, a former Nazi intelligence expert, hired by the Americans in 1945-1946 and who led the secret U.S. intelligence network in Germany. She consisted of ex SS agents and the Gestapo, many of whom, including Klaus Barbie, were Nazi war criminals. Above the list represents the names of the most powerful and influential members of the Western intelligence community in recent fifty years.
There is a group in the Vatican that has extremely close ties with Maltese knights. This is an ultra-right wing calling itself Opus Dei, an incredibly authoritative force in the modern Vatican, ostentatious “good” activity which is intended to overshadow the many the darkest political and financial frauds known to humanity.
It will probably not be a secret that Karone was closely associated with Opus Dei and, in particular, with a covert operation that began in 1944 year.
This operation was called Amadeus.
Operation Amadeus
Amadeus – This top-secret operation was part of the negotiations Sunrise between Allen Dulles, senior officer Office of Strategic Services in Switzerland during the war years, and subsequently – Director of the CIA, and SS General Karl Wolf. This graceful manners and extensive connections military rank commanded the SS and Gestapo units in Italy during the war.
The result of these negotiations (at least in part, known today) became an amnesty agreement bloody representatives of the Gestapo and SS forces in exchange for their consent cooperate with the West in a well-planned and secret fight against Soviet communist “threat”, in other words, in the cold the war.
An added benefit in such an agreement between Dulles and Wolfe became the help of the Vatican in the transfer of the Nazi military criminals from Europe and ensuring their safety. As a result such activity of the Vatican has become that tens of thousands of Nazis and SS officers escaped retaliation. Such were subject to transfer important figures like Franz Stangl, chief of concentration Treblinka camps, as well as his friend Gustav Wagner, who led death camp Sobibor. Among others who escaped the reckoning of the same in a way, they call Adolf Eichmann, who planned and embodied Holocaust
Eichmann was subsequently captured by Israeli intelligence agents, secretly taken to Tel Aviv, where he stood trial and was executed. You can not say about Joseph Mengele, known as “White angel “: this war criminal has long been sought to judge for his cruel and inhuman experiments on people, carried out in Auschwitz death camp, but he managed to escape to Argentina, where he and lived until his death.
The criminal focus of the operation
Operation Amadeus was solely associated with the transfer Nazi war criminals to South America, where subsequently they began covert and brutal activities against the indigenous the population, justifying it by the struggle against any manifestations communist ideas. One of the participants in this operation was former Gestapo officer Klaus Barbie, known in the world as “Lyons butcher”.
The main source of funding for Operation Amadeus has become super-profitable drug trade. Huge parties at the end of the war morphine secretly exported from Europe and transported to the “Catholic” South America, it was part of the Sunrise agreement. Besides drugs exported looted SS gold and a huge amount fake british prisoner banknotes concentration camps in which, as you know, among others prisoners, contained skillful counterfeiters. It was famous SS Operation Bernhardt.
Channels for the transfer to South America of war criminals whom searched for special services of various states, first of all, Israel proved to be ideal for drug smuggling. Many decades later, shipments of heroin smuggled into the US for spread through the CIA-covered mafia, supplemented by cocaine local production.
And in the 1980s, an important figure will appear, in the closest way related to drug smuggling. This is Colonel Oliver North, authorized exchange of arms for drugs to finance special operations contra. Oliver North was also known by Al Carone under operational alias of John Caffrey. At this time, Karone joined in cocaine smuggling activities controlled by the CIA, carried out by Joe Persilia, a member of the Colombo crime family.
These are curious and usually hidden links between governments (in the form of established military and intelligence communities), organized crime, Nazi activities and The Vatican, associated with the export of war criminals, have very interesting story.
From illegal trafficking to smuggling
No less interesting was the agreement between US marine intelligence and the representative of the mafia structure, don Carl “Lucky” Luciano during the Second World War. As a result Mafia agreement represented by one of the leading representatives organized crime Vito Genoese agreed to help the Allies organize in 1943 their landing in Sicily. As already mentioned, the Sunrise agreement dealt primarily with representatives of the SS and Gestapo forces stationed in Italy under the command of General Wolf.
And while a huge number of former Nazis were serving south to fight the communist threat in latin america as well most importantly, for the personal benefit of participating in profitable trading weapons and drugs, preparatory work was carried out in Europe to overthrow or resist democratically elected to governments. This work was carried out by an extensive network, led by fascist secret elements. This activity became part of Operation Gladiolus. Many important figures profited from the poverty of thousands of people – this phenomenon has long been ordinary.
Neofascist activity especially increased in the early 1980s after the collapse of Ambrosiano Bank and the death of an Italian banker Roberto Calvi: his suicide was staged, he was left hanged on one of the London bridges. This led to the sensational exposure of the role of the Vatican Bank, the Institute of Religion in Calvi’s financial empire, as well as the activities of the mafia sponsor Michele Sindona, who pulled in the most “aristocratic” banks Europe into organized crime.
Both Sindona and Calvi were close to organizing Opus Dei, having lost about $ 55 million after the collapse of the Sindona Empire. According to relatives, Roberto Calvi was completely absorbed in the activities of Opus Dei and was killed for it.
Secret Tyler P2
Meanwhile, both Calvi and Sindona were members of the secret Masonic Propaganda Due (P2) Lodge, which was considered “parallel government “called upon to carry out a coup in case of victory in the elections of the communist party.
P2 was headed by former Italian fascist and SS member Luigi Gelli, who openly called the “puppeteer” of the Italian press. His ties with the ultra-right and fascists in Europe and Latin America were very, very solid. In fact, it was he who exercised Vatican-supported scheme for transporting the most inveterate Nazi war criminals at the end of World War II. It’s believed that nearly 50,000 nazis evade fair retaliation thanks to this activity.
Jelly had numerous influential friends, among whom were former Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. He was also a close friend of the Argentinean general Juan Peron. His Awareness of Argentina’s affairs enabled him to become key figure in delivering French drowning missiles British naval vessels during the conflict over about the Falkland Islands. In these matters, he maintained close connection with Ronald R. Revald, founder of the Hawaiian financial Institutions Bishop, Baldwin, Rewald, Dillingham & Wong – own CIA companies and predecessors of Nugan Hand Bank, also owned by the CIA.
The relationship of the main CIA company with financing and collateral weapons against a key ally of the United States (Britain) with unanimous public support for the US government may seem somewhat treacherous. However, in the world of secret operations, concepts friendship and hostility are very conditional, and work “for two front “- a generally accepted phenomenon.
If we consider the hierarchy, then Jelly, according to the testimony one writer, was the “main gatekeeper of the Vatican” and “secret Papa’s camera. ”
In addition to connections with P2, he was also a member of the internal council Of the Order of Malta and had close contacts with military intelligence, laid down since the Second World War.
Octopus and spider
In Europe there are numerous Masonic groups and secret societies, whose range of interests is very wide. Most of which are Catholic by definition.
Priory of Zion
One of them is the Priory of Zion (Brotherhood of Zion) – secret the order, which became known to the general public due to the appearance bestselling book “Sacred Blood and the Holy Grail” published in 1982 year. Priory was closely associated with the so-called treasures Solomon discovered in the small village of Ren-le-Chateau, located in the southwest of France. It is believed that they were hidden there Knights Templar, predecessors of the Maltese Knights.
Priory, headquartered in Annemasse, near Geneva and the Swiss border, perceived as the “keeper” of the treasures of Solomon; but much more interesting his numerous underground contacts with fascists and right-wing forces. These contacts arose in the time of the Second World War It should also be noted that Annemasse is the center of anti-communist activity, the focus of forces, involved in the operation “Gladiolus”.
And if this fact does not seem completely intriguing, there is one more which by no means can be a coincidence. A few years ago, the Priory of Zion moved its headquarters to Barcelona Of course, this was done in order to approach the center of Opus Dei, founded in Spain in 1928.
If Otto Skorzen was the main driving force in the implementation of the plan the transfer of SS members to Latin America at the end of the war, and SS General Karl Wolf – Chief Negotiator with Head of Office US strategic services in Switzerland, Allen Dulles, another the Nazi, Walter Rauff, head of the Milan SD, made basic contacts with the Vatican to implement a smuggling scheme also developed by the Nazis. And before he was engaged in the development and creation of German mobile gas chambers, known as the Black Raven. They killed more than 100,000 Jews, mainly these were women and children. Gas chambers were hermetic the reservoir into which people were brought in and then pumped into it traffic fumes.
The second person from the SS who had connections with the Vatican was Friedrich. Schwendt. It was he who was responsible for laundering counterfeit money. Before Schwendt was one of the leading figures in World War II. the international arms market, which supplied it to China and Russia.
He also managed the investment activities of the Baroness. Gemmingen-Guttenberg, the aunts of his first wife, who belonged to one of the richest Argentine families. Huge multinational corporation Bunge Corporation has another the name is Octopus.
This is very interesting because it can have immediate attitude to the so-called “Octopus”, who killed in 1991 freelance journalist Danny Casolaro. Danny led the investigation the most dirty fraud, including theft by the Department of Justice a computer tracking program called “PROMIS”.
Casolaro intended to write a book about what he managed to find out. Its original name was very eloquent: “Beware! The horse is pale,” but then he gave her another name, “Octopus”. In the preface, the author described the study group as “a clique leading political espionage intrigues, development of the most modern weapons, including biotoxins, drug trafficking, money laundering and contract killings. ” According to Casolaro, this clique originated “thirty years ago, at the very the height of the cold war. ”
After the death of the journalist, Carol Marshall continued his work. (pseudonym), also a journalist who wrote the book “The Last Circle” (it has not yet been published). This is a kind of investigation the activities of Robert Booth Nichols – one of the central figures “Octopus”, which is part of the secret society of the “Chosen”. By According to Marshall, members of this society wore rings with depicting the skull and crossbones, engaged in occultism and kept all the rites adopted among the occultists. ”
Investigating the activities of “Octopus” Marshall came across an odious the figure of the former American “green beret” Michael Aquino, who served in military intelligence, who worked with secret documents related to the development of psychological weapons. Aquino attended black magician ceremonies in the city Wewelsburg, in a castle that once belonged to SS chief Heinrich Himmler. He allegedly founded the Teutonic Order of the SS, principles which is similar to the principles of the Knights Templar.
Here is such a picture: during the Second World War and after it, in the midst of the cold war the world is very harmonious there was a network of far-right fascist groups, conducting top-secret operations and profiting from them.
In this regard, the fact that The Priory of Zion, the main Catholic group, uses in its logo symbol resembling a spider or octopus. Quite possible suggest a close relationship between Prioryt and Octopus, undercover criminal organization American intelligence and military.
If we assume that the spider is a symbol of Priory, it follows to remember that it was such a nickname that Otto Skorzeny wore, Austrian Catholic directly organizing and implementing plan for the transfer of Nazi criminals to South America
Divine Providence
Al Carone was “his man” in the Genoese mafia clan, he also had a lot of important contacts. Interesting it seems that one of the leading figures in the “Octopus” was far-right oil tycoon Clint Marchison, football owner Dallas Cowboys 20% of his oil company, Murchison Oil Lease Company, owned by Gerardo Catena, one of the leading members of the Genoese mafia clan.
Throughout the Second World War, as well as after it, a general agreement between the main figures in American, British and German trade on the continuation close economic cooperation and maintaining business ties after pearl harbor.
Some members of the governments of the warring countries agreed to contribute to each other in this activity. History researchers World War II insists that this clique, called the “Brotherhood” not only conducted its activities, but also flourished, profiting from the war. Naturally, a number of questions arise:
How ordinary Americans and British would react, in many ways hours standing in lines at gas stations, they find out that in 1942 Standard Oil sold fuel to the enemy through neutral Switzerland?
How would society stir, if the fact that what the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris concluded multi-million dollar deals with an enemy who knows perfectly well that the main Is the office located in Manhattan?
Or that Ford trucks were designed to equip German occupation forces in France, and their production was sanctioned directly by owners peacefully living in Michigan?
Or that Colonel Ben, head of international American ITT’s telephone conglomerate, during the war flew from New York to Madrid and Bern to establish a communication system for Hitler and make some improvements to the homing model the bombs that destroyed London?
Or that the same ITT developed aircraft that dropped deadly charges on British and American troops?
Or what details so necessary for the American troops were delivered not to the front, but to Nazi-related customers in Latin America and what happened with the sanction of the head US Department of Defense, whose business partner was Goering’s relative who lived in Philadelphia?
Or what about all these deals Washington was wonderful informed, but either authorized them, or intentionally ignored?
So, everyone who tried to deeply study this issue is unanimous. in one: during and after the war organized crime with which the representatives of the Vatican were closely related, Nazis and ruling circles of America. About concepts like humanism, loyalty, ethics and moral values, you may not even remember.
The octopus is known to have eight limbs located around the mouth, as well as three hearts, so he doesn’t neither hunger nor death are terrible. These features are central to the definition of this creature. Opus Dei, a community that controls the Vatican is undoubtedly one of the limbs octopus of global crime, in a metaphorical language.
How to determine the three hearts characteristic of the octopus?
Perhaps they are the church, the state and the mafia, forces, who try to conduct their criminal activities secretly, in the shadows?
All these associations lead us to another interesting figure – this is the prince of the netherlands bernard. It was he who became the first chairman Bilderberg Club, this group consisting of representatives of the world elite, so avoiding publicity. Each in May or June, these people meet and spend in interesting conversations next weekend, away from the curious cameras of journalists. On the Meetings invite the most powerful and influential figures from world of finance, business, politics, media, trade unionists and representatives of academic science. To the list of invitees Dr. Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and Gianni Agneli, the person on whom the appointment to high post. The first meeting of the Bilderberg Club took place in May 1954
Oddly enough, it was in that year that Prince Bernard led the Order of the Ioannites in the Netherlands, one of the four orders that make up the union of the orders of St. John or the Alliance of Hospitallers. The purpose of this alliance, which includes Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Great Britain – “silence the enemies of Christ.” The headquarters of the alliance is now in Switzerland.
These are more Protestant orders than Catholic, but it is especially important that on November 26, 1963 there was a “consolidation the alliance, which was approved by signing a joint declaration between The Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Order of the Honorable. ” It happened in London.
That is, the Catholic and Protestant orders tied themselves together vow to work together in order to “silence enemies of Christ. “A very transparent allusion to communism.
Significant can be considered the fact that the Knights Templar, according long-held assumption, “infected” John or Mandey heresy, they called Christ the false prophet, and considered the true Messiah John the Baptist. But, as you know, two Great Masters of Priory Zion showed typical Johnannite tendencies: it was Leonardo da Vinci and Sir Isaac Newton. Despite this, the founder of the order The Templars, Hugo de Payne, was once accused by the Vatican of that was the johnite.
And if you leave for a while our short excursion into history esotericists, it is worth mentioning that Prince Bernard, in addition to his role in the creation of the Bilderberg Group, was the head of the Order of the Ioannites in Denmark, and was also an honorary member of the Himmler SS and worked for NW7, global intelligence service I.G. Farben who acted in the interests of the Nazis. NW7 activities in Latin America before, during time and after World War II is closely intertwined with the narrated us history.
By participating in such activities, the Vatican has a goal to eradicate a communist ideology that rejects Christianity. Opus Dei and many other secret groups are engaged contract killings, money laundering, drug trafficking, the transfer of weapons, the concealment of loot during World War II money and gold wars, manipulations in financial markets, others outright iniquities. The purpose of all this activity is undoubtedly – remain the spiritual stronghold of the Christian West.
But if this business is the craft of the Church preaching God of heaven, then the kings of the earth should be careful. New the owner burst into the city.
Vatican United Kingdom War Time Germany Money Italy NATO Netherlands Russia USA Edgar Cayce