Bloodthirsty dwarf rapist Tokolosha

Bloodthirsty dwarf rapist TokoloshaPhotos from open sources of

Interestingly, each nation has its own mystical essences and monsters. For example, for us it’s ghouls and ghouls. But for Africans such a monster is the dwarf rapist Tokolosha.

Him, like, say, and our brownie or goblin, see simple mortal is not given, however, one whose mind falls under power Tokolos, describe this creature as an ugly dwarf, very like a little monkey, without eyes and tongue, and even with a hole in the skull. However, descriptions of the appearance of this monster in different African peoples vary, common, perhaps, remains only his short and terrible, just repulsive look.

A photo from open sources

How Tokolos emerged from the obedience of sorcerers

It is believed that the tokolos was called from the afterlife by sorcerers and the shamans who sent him to their enemies. However this creature quickly lost control of African mediums and became self. Moreover, soon Tokolos learned to penetrate into our world and without the help of magicians, but to return it back is already became a real skill even for a strong sorcerer.

The saddest thing is that the tokolos is different in its bloodthirstiness, as well as an irrepressible passion for destruction, sadism and sex, and he rapes both women and men. No coincidence in Africa high demand for high-leg beds since tokoloshe likes to crawl out of bed at night and right there to master sleeping, but on a high bed this dwarf is not always in the strength to climb.

A photo from open sources

For women, this connection turns into divorce or celibacy, since the unhappy after that loses all interest in men. And for a man to become a victim of Tokolosha sexual harassment – all one that goes crazy. The monster subjugates the human mind and makes him do terrible things, say, rape, kill set people on fire, and so on. That’s why the peoples of Africa have omen: if a man suddenly goes crazy – that means that in him moved tokoloshe.

Tokolosha in the guise of a predator

Tokolosha can also enter the bodies of animals, usually large predators. For example, during the construction of the railway in Kenya on the workers suddenly began to attack two huge lionesses who in total difficulties tore several hundred people.

A photo from open sources

The hunters made a real raid on these monsters, but they were so smart, cunning and mystically invulnerable, that to kill them did not succeed. Local residents assured contractors that it wasn’t none other than the tokolos moved into animals, however white chiefs just chuckled at these superstitions. In the meantime killer lions continued their bloody business.

John Henry Patterson, who was one of those few lucky ones who still managed to shoot these creatures (they say, not without help of local shamans and special charmed bullets), even in later he wrote the book “The Eaters from Tsavo.” In her motives a little the Hollywood movie Ghost and Darkness was later filmed. However not in the novel, not in the movie there is even a mention of tokolos, although the hunters for those scary two lions claimed they had far from bestial habits. Moreover, when they were still killed – it turned out to be two male giants (more than three meters in length), however, without the usual mane for such animals, as if they were lionesses …

Africa Monsters Shamans

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