In the Indian state of Kerala from July 25 to September 23 In 2001, it rained from time to time … red rain. Since then almost twelve years, but this fact still haunts scientists and reporters.
Photo from open sources Streams of blood red water – consequence of unusual rain
Life at 300 ° C Rain water turns out to be collected and subjected to laboratory analysis. So, it turned out that there were cells in the water that might well have extraterrestrial origin. They are able to live and share when temperature 300 ° С! Disputes about mysterious cells found in red rainwater has not subsided still. Recently staff Mahatma Gandhi University in Cottayam Godfrey Luis and Santos Kumar published a revolutionary scientific work “The phenomenon of red rain and its possible extraterrestrial origin “in the journal” Astrophysics and space science. ”
Thunder, lightning, leaf fall
From July to September 2001 to the Kerala State Administration A lot of messages came from worried locals. They are reported unusual rainfall. It was a short-term storm rains preceded by lightning and thunder. Fell from the sky bright red drops. People complained: clothes soaked under such showers, it was impossible to wash away. Who can guarantee that bloody rain will not harm people?
Sometimes red precipitation occurred simultaneously in several square kilometers, and sometimes very localized. You can It was at the same time to observe ordinary and red rain. Strange precipitation was accompanied by abundant leaf fall, which for the southern regions India at this time of year is uncharacteristic. According to scientists, for two more than 50 tons of strange liquid spilled onto the earth a month.
Ordinary color
Open Source Samples water transferred to the laboratory
Colored rains themselves are not uncommon. Precipitation 120 shades were recorded in different parts of the world for last decades. Usually the cause of color precipitation is found quickly, and it has a natural and sometimes criminal nature. IN June 2000, for example, yellow rain poured on Dagestan. Water subjected to chemical analysis and found in it a huge amount of non-ferrous metals: cobalt and zinc. Zinc content in the atmosphere was exceeded more than 400 times! The culprit of this the event turned out to be a local factory that exceeded the utmost permissible concentration of harmful substances in the waste. Sometimes rainfall turn black due to oil and groundwater entering the soil and petroleum products. Orange rain fell in 2005 in the Crimea: there on the heads of the surprised inhabitants poured streams of water in which was sand brought by the wind from the Arabian desert. And once red sand dust from the Sahara, flying at an altitude of five thousand meters, hit rain on Sweden. Chocolate snow with rain watched Colorado residents in 2006: clouds brought giant clubs dust from a neighboring state – arid Arizona. True, dust can also color precipitation and pale pink, as it once did happened in the north of Primorsky Krai, where after a cyclone in Mongolia sand clouds flew by. Green rain from the water mixed with excrement of bees after pollen of flowers and mangoes spilled in 2002 not far from Calcutta. Most often, the color of precipitation changes due to volcanic dust that the wind carries to many hundreds kilometers.
Is it all about seaweed?
Photos from open sources all times in different countries have been amazing precipitation
From the very beginning, Indian scientists have suggested that red rains were stained with microparticles of volcanic dust brought by the wind. Government has taken steps to determine the source bloody rainfall and their effects on flora and fauna. Study the chemical composition of the rains involved in the Earth Science Center Research (CESS) and Botanical Research Institute (TBGRI) of India. However traces of volcanic activity in blood rain samples were not found. According to the official version, The reason for the unusual color of precipitation is the presence of algal spores in it. We are talking about epiphytic algae of the genus Trentepohlia. Their smallest suspension spores hit the water and ended up in its natural cycle. Scientists reassured residents of the state: red rain is not dangerous for living organisms.
Space riddle
Godfrey Luis and Santos Kumar doubted the official version and conducted their own investigation. Louis proposed an extraterrestrial theory origin of red microparticles found in sediments. For an independent examination, he turned to the Center of Astrobiology in Cardiff (UK) to Professor Chandra Wikramasinghu. In the study of red substance under electron with a microscope, scientists concluded that “foreign cells” resemble living organisms. Their shape is similar to the shape of blood cells. person. In one milliliter of rainwater there were about nine millions. Their chemical composition was amazing: aluminum, potassium, magnesium, even phosphorus! Particularly struck by the presence of aluminum: in the composition living organisms it does not occur. But phosphorus in red cells nothing at all.
The discovery of Louis shocked the scientific world. The sensation was that, not having DNA, red cells nevertheless divide at a temperature of 300 ° C. Indeed, in modern science, the limit at which they can share cells, it is considered a temperature of 130 °. English scientists say: “An electron microscope with a very high resolution made it possible to such photographs that clearly show the structure of cells and even their breeding cycle that we never had to meet in bacteria or fungal organisms. ”
A protein was found in the composition of the cells. And protein, as you know, has its own code system. Only known to mankind protein coding mechanism – DNA. So, according to scientists, the red cells must have their own hitherto unknown mechanism coding.
A meteorite exploded in the atmosphere?
Louis and his Wickramasingh colleague are almost certain of extraterrestrial the origin of red cells. According to their theory, meteorites are hotter core made up of water and chemical elements capable of support the livelihoods of bioorganisms. Thus, with an explosion of a meteorite in the earth’s atmosphere, its dust could be in precipitation that fell in India. This theory is also supported by that hundreds of eyewitnesses of the first bloody rain in India saw a strong a flash in the sky and a deafening roar, accepted by all for thunder. By they said, from such noise they even started at home.
Official science continues to investigate red rain samples. A Godfrey Louis said he would not stop his scientific research until not convinced of the origin of mysterious cells.
Water DNA Time India