A photo from open sources, the Russian Government decided to transfer everything state and municipal institutions in domestic software, abandoning even operating systems Windows
To this end, Mikomsvyaz will ensure that state institutions and relevant companies chose only domestic software from a specially proposed register of Russian manufacturers or manufacturers of countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, which now, in addition to Russia itself, includes Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan (will enter from May 29).
For the purposes of the software of this regulation, the necessary software will be developed in Russia and its friendly countries in the next three months.
Thanks to this decision, the country will not only increase tax revenues from program makers, but will also appear new jobs in the IT industry.
Foreign software Russian institutions and companies will now be able to acquire only if they prove the need for this (inability to replace a particular program domestic counterpart).
This one, in general, is patriotic and economically A promising project has its drawbacks. So sober analysts notice that with a sharp rise in price of foreign software in the ruble devaluation, state support for this project will only to the fact that purchases will be made far from competitive basis, and focus on one supplier. And this is negative will affect everything: and the software we will get useless, which will be a lot worse than foreign, and taxes will remain the same, and even jobs in the IT industry will appear not so much as supposed to.
Kazakhstan Russia