Bottles thrown at sea like messages

Bottles thrown into the sea like messagesPhotos from open sources of

In the south of Italy, in the city of Termoli, recently opened a very an interesting exhibition where the bottles were presented, thrown out by the sea. This collection of over a hundred unique messages collected by the doctor Roberto Renoli. Today he is fifty-seven years old, the first he found his bottle at fourteen, but since then he has been collecting them. Recently, with his dog, walking near a large water, which at all times also served as an amazing almost mystical mail.

Of course, among the message bottles found by Roberto Ragnoli, in mostly ordinary tourist greetings and love letters, however, there are cries for help. Roberto must post everything letters on the Internet, as they are usually written in a language unfamiliar to him, and then, to someone they are addressed. In our time, thanks to the world wide web, it has become much easier to find addressee …

Execution for opening a bottle

However, there was a time when sea mail through bottles was the world quite well developed, and not only victims used it wreck ships, but even public services. For example, when the English court during the reign of Elizabeth the First was even the position of the opener of such vessels-messages (the first opener was Lord Thomas Tonfield), since many were transmitted through them important information, including those with a state degree secrets.

A photo from open sources

It is no coincidence that the fisherman who caught a tarry bottle in 1560 the Dover area and sealed it, was executed a day later as a man, accidentally learned state secrets (in the message the landing of the Dutch on Novaya Zemlya, which belonged to Russia).

Bottles revealed the secrets of sea currents

The French meteorologist Lagenier in 1763 decided to use bottled mail in order to study sea currents. Thereby already in 1837 the forces of the followers of Lagenier was drawn up The first map of the currents of the world’s oceans. Later she improved on the basis of again bottle mail. For instance, in Russia, special hydrographic bottles were used for these goals, which are covered with sand so that the bottle floats neck up, and the neck itself was flooded with resin and marked special flagdukom.

A photo from open sources

Sea message as a finger of fate

By the way, bottle messages brought people not only shouts about help or love confessions, but even wills. So, someone Bill Horton walked near the sea to distract from sad thoughts. about a sick wife and lack of money, even for treatment, when suddenly tripped over a bottle in which some message was sealed. As it turned out, the note said that he who found this bottle receive an inheritance of more than two million pounds sterling. And the address of the law office was indicated, where to contact.

At first, Bill only laughed at this joke and just wanted to throw away the note, however, reasoning soberly that he had nothing to do with it does not lose, still wrote a letter to the specified address. To his surprise, the answer came very soon, it was reported that testament seventeen years ago threw into the sea Mary Playboard Alexander, who did not want to leave her fortune either relatives, nor give it to charities. Let, she said, fate itself determine the lucky one. And that chose the unfortunate at that time Bill Horton.

Fantastic messages

Often messages by sea arrive too late. For example, in 1999 Steve Gowan caught a bottle in which someone Thomas Hughes wrote to his wife Elizabeth a love confession and tearfully begged having found a bottle at all costs send it to her. Letter It was signed on September 9, 1914. However, Steve decided to execute the request of a long-dead person, realizing that Ezlizabeth is not in alive. But he found their daughter Emily, who lived in New Zealand. The woman was very grateful to Gowan and insanely glad to write from father whom she never saw but knew well from the stories mothers.

A photo from open sources

Here is another interesting case. In the Pacific Ocean in 1784 suffered wreck of a japanese ship. Once on a desert island, one of sailors of the rescued team Matsuyama threw a signal bottle at sea disasters. She accidentally brought her to the shores of her hometown. sailor, but the trouble is only in 1934. A call for help late for a century and a half, however, in the eyes of collectors such relics only benefited from this, and therefore it was sold at an auction for twenty five thousand dollars.

Happened to a bottle of mail and more strange, even, you can say mystical stories, for example, related to the name little-known British writer John Permington who in his novel “Sea Hero” described a riot on the ship of the same name. A the message of help that the assistant threw into the sea in a bottle the captain, the writer took and cast into the real sea. And through for sixteen years it actually saved the assistant captain and loyal people from the booters on the already real ship “Marine hero “- such mystical coincidences and amazing” jokes ” sea ​​mail.

Russia time

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