A photo from open sources If we talk about such an interesting concept as “parallel worlds”, it is impossible not to talk about the ingenious inventor Nicole Tesla (1856-1943). The main discoveries he made in the field of radio engineering and electrical engineering. But it turned out that having knowledge in these seemingly purely technical fields he was able to achieve unprecedented success in some near-scientific fields. Homeland Nikola Tesla is modern-day Croatia (formerly Austria-Hungary). He received a good education – first at a technical school in Graz and then at Prague University. The most interesting work for It began from the moment of emigration to the USA. He lived in New York at East Houston Street, 48. In his laboratory, Tesla managed to invent two-phase alternating current generator. This allowed to run in commercial operation of electrical installations of the largest US facilities. Tesla has become the most outstanding use specialist electromagnetic fields and for working with microwave frequencies, and also dealt with the problem of energy transmission over a distance. Beloved the work was reflected in the daily life of the researcher. And so not very sociable, he tried to go out into the dark only Times of Day. The explanation was very simple: due to the impact on powerful electromagnetic fields in the process experiments, his nerves were constantly tense, even a slight sound hurt, and my eyes hurt in bright light, but he could see very well in the dark. Much has been said about that Tesla was developing a new kind of destructive weapon. This, in first of all, it was due to the fact that some experiments scientist led to destruction. For example, when studying cabinets and tables shook unexpectedly, glass clanged in the windows, buildings vibrated, burst heating, plumbing and gas pipes. Many took these phenomena for an earthquake. Only due to the fact that Tesla turned off the equipment, the city did not turned into ruins. Contemporaries note his ability to think globally. Tesla was a brilliant conversationalist, modest, gentle in communication. The scientist knew eight languages, was an expert on music and poetry. IN at the same time, no doubt with all its refinement, Tesla possessed tremendous internal willpower. Huge scientist performance led him to work like an obsessed sleeping more than two hours a day. Tesla said: “I’m completely exhausted, but I can’t stop working. My experiments are so beautiful and so important that I can hardly tear myself away from them, so that at least to sleep, and when I try to sleep, I constantly think about them. I guess that I’ll keep them until I fall dead. “Ah, the writer D. Gottem so spoke of Tesla: “The mental energy of Tesla was awesome, she just rang and seemed to tingle. “Relatives believed that Tesla has the gift of foresight. Yes, he himself has repeatedly confirmed their clairvoyant abilities. So, in 1890, Tesla was forcibly detains his friends, preventing them from leaving by train. IN the consequence, it turned out that the train crashed. Ah, in 1912 he dissuaded his friend and sponsor Morgan from traveling to Titanic. He, having believed in Tesla’s intuition, handed over the tickets. And here is another colleague of the scientist – D. Pasteur, neglected the advice of Nikola Tesla and died together with other passengers of the superliner. Tesla predicted the beginning World War I – he said the war would last four years and will end in December 18th. (World War I went through lives, territories and destinies of people from July 28, 1914 to November 11 1918). Also Nikola Tesla said that the next war will begin in 20 years. But most of all shocked contemporaries Nikola Tesla – this is a huge number of original ideas that with incredible arose at the speed of an outstanding scientist-practitioner. Shocked everyone his confession: “I am not the author of these ideas.” Tesla himself tied his ability to foresee events with psychological trauma, transferred in childhood. As a result of the tragedy, he died his sibling. Nicola was very upset about what had happened, his began to haunt numerous nightmares. By willpower he managed to replace creepy dreams with other paintings. First it there were places familiar from childhood, and then he began to make excursions beyond the existing reality around him. He told: “So my mental journeys began. At first, then everything is better I saw new cities, places, countries, lived there, met people, made friends. It’s hard to believe, but they are just as dear to me, like my family and are just as real. “Modern scholars do not consider mental travel fiction or joke of a brilliant scientist. They are It is believed that such a phenomenon is possible with a special change in consciousness. So the doctor of medical sciences N. Sviderskaya claims that: “Man in a changed consciousness can feel and accept what is not in his field of vision, transferred to other spaces, to others era, that is, there are no restrictions. “Currently transition to this state can be registered by devices. Instruments show a certain configuration of the brain, called the “axis of superconsciousness” – “This is the activation of the front sections the right hemisphere, and activation of the posterior portions of the left hemisphere, in while in a normal state of awareness are more activated the front sections of the left hemisphere and the back of the right. “That’s how he Nikola Tesla talked about how he accomplished his very first discovery: “I have been struggling with this problem for several years. It was a question life and death. I knew that I would die if I did not solve it. My brain was tense to the limit and at some point the unthinkable happened – I heard the ticking of a clock three pounds from me, landing a fly on the table thudded in my ears, in the dark I possessed bat sensitivity and could locate subject due to a special tingling in the forehead. Sun rays so pressed on my brain that I almost lost consciousness. Streaking in the distance the crew shook my body, and suddenly I saw a flash, like a little sun, and the truth was revealed to me. It was a state of absolute happiness, thoughts went on endless streams, and I barely had time to fix them. “Gradually, Tesla learned to enter such a state when he himself wanted it. He could turn off his the brain from the outside world and in this state to study visions, coming to him. In the same way he managed to bring his technical creations to perfection. Tesla said: “I do not We need models, drawings, experiments. When I get an idea I start imagining to build a device, change the design, perfect and turn it on, and it makes no difference to me whether testing the instrument in my mind or in my laboratory – results will be the same. For twenty years I have not had a single exceptions. “The most mysterious thing that Tesla did not use mathematical calculations when creating new techno-masterpieces, because that he could comprehend the essence and principles of things without using mathematical apparatus. Dr. Svirskaya N. described this unusual process of cognition used by N. Tesla: “entering altered state of consciousness, he received information that earlier were unavailable. This allowed him to detect and watch. various phenomena and objects, look at the world from a different perspective than what ordinary people look at. And because he is easy moved back, this allowed him to easily fix and transmit information to other people. “Tesla himself considered his brain adoptive a device that can draw knowledge, inspiration and strength from no one core of the universe. Tesla dreamed of creating a device that would help other people penetrate invisible reality. Partially he succeeded – with the help of his technical devices he managed make the invisible part of the aura visible. Inspired by the results of his research, Tesla said: “The great secrets of our being are still to be solved, even death may not be the end. ” He believed that death does not destroy human nature and with that it is possible to establish contact. Tesla even invented for this fellowship. special appliances. So in the correspondence between Tesla and physicist Cruz talk about the high frequency coil developed by Nicola for mediums to facilitate not only their communication with spirits, but also to control the mental state of the mediums themselves after the session. Indian scientist Viviconando, often visited the Tesla laboratory told: “Tesla refers to electricity as living essentially, he talks to him and gives him orders. ” Modern researchers have established – elementary particles are quite can obey the mental orders of man. And although to explain this phenomenon has not yet succeeded, but experiments have shown the possibility this process. That’s what the candidate said about this physical and mathematical sciences Yu. Mazurin: “Were held experiments in which a mental effect deflected the beam laser, water changed its properties, at a distance of thousands kilometers, changed the plane of polarization of light rays. ” could occur under a slight mental impact. Tesla was I’m sure that not only electrons, but everything that is in the Universe, possesses consciousness and that the cosmos is a single living organism: “Tesla believed that the universe is a holistic organism that consists of many parts, similar but different in different vibration frequency. Each part is a parallel world, entering into resonance with the frequency of another world, we kind of open the doors to measurement. So you can travel throughout the cosmos. “Slavic a genius and dreamer wanted to make mankind happy, but on time came to the conclusion that all his inventions can be applied to the killings. He understood that he was too ahead of time and people were not ready accept his gift. Tesla stopped his experiments and destroyed everything records containing a description of the essence of his inventions. A brilliant scientist was able to realize in time all his responsibility for possible use of its technical devices. He said: “I could split the globe, but never do it. My main the goal was to tell, show and spread ideas that will be the starting points for new research. ”
Many called Nikola Tesla a dreamer, a miracle, a messenger of worlds, but it would be more correct to consider him a simple person who tried to draw humanity to the need to find answers to simple questions: who are we, where are we from, why and what are we capable of?
War Time Universe Life Nikola Tesla Parallel Worlds USA