British police decided not to investigate robbery in houses with odd numbers

The British police decided not to investigate the robberies in houses with odd numbersA photo from open sources

Law enforcers in the English county of Leicestershire came up with a very unusual and controversial way to optimize costs. Cops decided to conduct an experiment by starting to send forensic experts to investigate thefts only in houses with even numbers. If a thief penetrates the dwelling on the odd side of the street, a consequence It is limited only to the conversation of the policeman with the robbed.

So if you live in Leicestershire, the number on the door your home may affect whether law enforcement helps authorities to return the property stolen from you or not. Live in even the house – the robber will be searched, but your neighbor across the road to in case of such trouble, less luck. Nonetheless, it is noted that if the crime involves not only theft, but also causing physical harm to people, then an experiment like cases will not be affected.

According to the British, they’re never about a more ridiculous innovation have heard. “It’s like a surgeon will only have surgery those who are born by even numbers, and the rest are just tablets will write “, – residents of the county complain. Officials in their turn state that the percentage of solved crimes in the United The kingdom is still very small, and if the cops pay attention to only half the inhabitants of Leicestershire, this will allow save a ton of time and money.

Many citizens have called this a way to save budget. extravagant and unfair. Soon in Leicestershire will begin summarize this unusual experiment, and if the results officials seem satisfactory, it is possible that law enforcement leadership will be interested in such a scheme bodies and in other counties.

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