British traveler, for the sake of experiment living on the street was struck by the existence of the homeless

A British traveler living on the street for the sake of experiment was struck by the existence of the homelessA photo from open sources

The 43-year-old former army captain of the United Kingdom, TV presenter and traveler Ed Stafford, who became the first person on Earth, which walked along the Amazon River, completed recently his unusual 60-day experiment. For two months, a man has been on the streets of cities like London, Glasgow, Manchester, closely watching the life of the homeless for his upcoming documentary. Results of this experiment very surprised the Englishman.

Our hero admits that he happened to face drug addicts, alcoholics, aggressive individuals, sick and other marginals, as well as hear heartbreaking stories about how ordinary people are left without a roof over their heads. Nonetheless, Stafford was literally shocked by the fact that many homeless people they earn quite decent money by begging – up to 200 pounds per day. This is more than it receives per day the average British worker!

A photo from open sources

Homeless in Foggy Albion, as it turned out, also do not know lack of food, getting plenty of good foods from sympathetic fellow countrymen, volunteers and philanthropists. Moreover, local supermarkets constantly throw food on the street where expiration date is coming to an end. Despite the fact that selling it already you can’t eat such products, and some of them are real delicacies that can afford not every British family.

Should I envy the “easy” life of the homeless?

Ed believed that he would starve and lose weight during such unusual experiment, but in the end he scored more than five kilograms. According to our hero, even if the homeless there was food, they could easily buy it, doing begging. One tramp once told Stafford that if he cannot manage to beg 100 pounds from passers-by in the evening (more than 8600 rubles translated into Russian money), then he considers such a day very unfortunate.

Many homeless people, especially in large cities, have modern smartphones, use the services of hairdressers and buy a good one alcohol. Some constantly take relatively expensive drugs, from which we can again conclude that these people have money enough people. They get food for free at local shelters You can also spend the night and get clothes donated to charity. And you can earn some money, but they’re doing it few units: begging is easier and more profitable.

A photo from open sources

There were people who blamed Ed and Channel 4 for whose material was collected, is that they exploit the poor and romanticize life on the street, making it simple and carefree. Stafford in response to this says that, of course, he met such homeless people who are completely unsuitable for street existence and ready for anything, just to again have a roof over head, however most of the vagrants that our hero, were quite happy with their life.

The traveler says that over the past two months he had to sleep on a bench in the park, wash in public toilet and bask near the city pipes heat supply. As a rule, the real ones shared food with him homeless people. Surprisingly, the society of tramps turned out to be quite close-knit: these people, as far as possible, help their comrades unhappiness and do not give them offense. Stafford thought it was perhaps the only stratum of British society, whose representatives invariably greet each other at a meeting, moreover far from formal, and at the same time openly look into each other’s eyes. Perhaps life on the street makes people more human and responsive …

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