Brochure from 1678 explains in its own way crop circles

Brochure from 1678 in its own way explains the appearance of crop circlesA photo from open sources

One of the users of the popular social network “Reddit” made a very interesting publication in the section of the site devoted to aliens.

A resident of the UK says that he recently found in its attic the rarest brochure dating back to 1678. The man did not believe his eyes when he saw what was about her it was said. This is an old edition called Strange News. from Hertfordshire “tried to explain a phenomenon like all of us famous crop circles.

Many skeptics and orthodox scholars claim that circles on fields began to appear relatively recently, with the development automatic mowing cereals, the invention of lasers and other unique technology. Say, jokers, hoaxers and lovers of fame create such patterns on crops, passing them off as creativity of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

A photo from open sources

However, now we see perfectly that the mysterious arts on the fields were observed for almost three and a half centuries back when the above technique didn’t even exist in human imagination. True, then in the appearance of crop circles they accused not the jokers and not even the aliens, but the devil.

Brochure talks about a farmer from Hertfordshire, growing oats. One night, a man saw from the window how the field lit up, as if enveloped in fire. In the next morning shocked Englishman noticed perfectly even on his crops a huge circle, the word mowed down by a giant scythe.

A photo from open sources

The pious man felt that dark forces were involved, and hastened to tell the fellow villagers about what had happened local church. Rumors about the devilry happened quickly spread in the district, and as a result, this intriguing information has reached our days in the form of a brochure. No one doubted then that he himself was to blame. sly.

No mortal is capable of such a thing, says the text, implying that even a hundred people with braids could not imperceptibly mow a huge circle on the field in one night. By moreover, all this was accompanied by a mysterious radiance …

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