Photo from open sources It is believed that due to the level of modern medicine completely excluded cases of buried alive, which in old times abounded in history. Of such terrible burials obviously there were quite a few, although in most cases people didn’t aware of this, since “risen from the grave” can be counted on the fingers.
In 1865, when Max Hoffmann was five years old, he became a victim. cholera. To the farm, which was near a small a campus in the US state of Wisconsin that invited a doctor, however he failed to reassure his parents, believing that hopes for there is no recovery.
The illness lasted only three days, after which the child died and was buried in a village cemetery.
Photo from open sources
The next night, Max’s mother had a terrible dream. Woman dreamed that the child rolled over in his coffin and as if trying to get out of there. She saw that, clasped hands, he put them under the right cheek.
Mr. Hoffman woke up from the heartbreaking scream of his wife. She begged to dig up Max’s coffin, her husband refused. He believed that a nightmare is the result of a nervous shock and what to break grave – means aggravate the suffering of the mother. However, the dream was repeated the next night, and now to convince the crying woman was impossible. The eldest son was sent for a neighbor and a lantern, since Hoffmann’s own lantern was broken.
The men began to exhume when it was the second hour of the night. Them a lantern shone on a tree nearby. When finally the coffin dug up and opened, it turned out that the boy was in that very position, which dreamed of his mother.
He seemed dead, but his father took out the body from the tomb and, together with he galloped on horseback to the doctor. The doctor reacted to the situation skeptical, but set to work, trying to bring the child back to of life.
More than an hour passed, and the boy suddenly twitched his eyelid. Then in brandy launched, and under Max’s body they put bags of preheated salt. Little by little, there were signs of improvement.
A week passed and the child fully recovered. Max Hoffman lived a long life and died at the age of 80 in Clinton (Iowa). Among the most memorable things he kept a pair of metal pens from his coffin, from where he was once saved thanks maternal sleep.
Photo from open sources
Unfortunately, such cases occur today. So in the past in Brazil, a woman was buried, but the next day, random knockers and screams from the ground heard the visitor to the cemetery. Fresh the grave was unearthed, but the woman in the coffin was already suffocating. And although all the signs that she woke up and tried to break free were obvious, doctors found that there was no “awakening from the dead”, that is, they did not admit their mistake. And, notice, practically never recognize. And people at this time continue to wake up in already buried coffins. Imagine what they feel at that moment …
A life