The ancient Greeks called the greatest teacher of mankind Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes the Greatest). Ancient the Egyptians whom he taught literacy and numeracy, laws and religion, deified him and identified with the god Thoth.
Judging by the legends, Hermes owned many secrets of the human world, heaven and hell. The knowledge gathered in forty-two books, he handed over to people. Only fragments of two of them are preserved. And the most an important part of his covenants was set forth on emerald plates – emerald tablets.
For researchers, the famous Hermes formula, allegedly containing the greatest secret of the world:
“Here is the truth, the perfect truth, and nothing but the truth. That which above, like what’s below. The bottom is like that up. This knowledge alone is enough to create wonders”.
So the ancient Egyptians depicted Thoth – explicit alien
A photo from open sources
The fact that every physical body is composed of homogeneous minute particles of matter, people guessed for a long time. More Democritus (V – IV centuries BC e.) believed that atoms, these tiny indivisible particles, worn in empty endless space. But what is their shape, what properties they possess was very unclear for a very long time.
Only in 1908 – 1911 Ernest Rutherford set a landmark experiments proving that an atom is strikingly empty – a dense core occupies a completely negligible part of the atom’s volume – one quadrillion. In accordance with developed on the basis of these experiments with a planetary model of an atom dense heavy nucleus, like the sun, is in the center of the atom, and small lungs electrons rush around him in closed orbits, like to the planets.
Astronomers have also made good progress in exploring the world. Galileo Galileo built the first telescope and discovered the moons of Jupiter, and now astronomers have learned to measure distances to stars and have increased their instruments are so sensitive that they become observable objects far beyond of our milky way galaxy. It turned out that there are many other galaxies, and they are not uniformly scattered in space, but collected in clusters. Many clusters are collected in superclusters, having a cellular structure.
Formula of God Thoth
It’s interesting, but how do the sizes of microcosm objects correlate? smaller man, and the objects of the macrocosm, many larger ones? because of the huge difference in their sizes will be compared not absolute values in meters, but only their orders, i.e. decimal degrees. Planet Earth has a diameter of about 10 million meters, those. 10 to the seventh degree.
Thus, the order of the size of our planet is plus 7. O the size of the electron is still known that its order does not exceed minus 18. So their sizes, at least, differ by 25 orders of magnitude. On the 23-24 orders of magnitude the size of the nucleus of a light atom differs from the size Of the sun.
The sizes of such structural pairs differ by 27–28 orders of magnitude elements of the microworld and the macrocosm: a complex organic molecule – galaxy, mitochondria (part of a biological cell) – cluster galaxies, living cell – supercluster of galaxies. Can say that the dimensions of all these pairs have a similarity coefficient lying in limits 23-28 orders of magnitude (the natural the scatter of the sizes of objects and the errors of their measurements). We denote the average value of this coefficient, close to 10 in the 26th degree, symbol T in honor of the Egyptian god Thoth. With this ratio (T = 1026) three-dimensional spatial characteristics of the microworld similar to the same characteristics of the macrocosm.
So in the Middle Ages they tried to portray the essence of the formula Tota Hermes
A photo from open sources
Interestingly, what are the ratios of the time scales of the micro- and macrocosm? The Earth makes one revolution around the Sun in 32 million seconds, and an electron in low orbit per microsecond makes about 10 billions of revolutions around the core, which gives a difference of 23-24 order. It turns out that the macrocosm and the microworld have more in common than three-dimensional spatial similarity, namely four-dimensional – spatio-temporal. How many times are resized objects in the transition from the microworld to the macrocosm, in the same the speed of the passage of time also changes.
If we could miraculously move from our planet on the third electron of some atom, then we would not notice significant changes neither in the length of the year nor in the corner the size of the star. The density of stars in the night sky would also be the same, only the form of the constellations would be completely different. Probably and the length of the day determined by the electron spin would be similar to the usual earthly.
On this basis, the famous Hermes formula can be clarified: “That which is above is like that which is below. That which is below is like to that at the top. Space-time similarity coefficient at the top and below is close to 10 to 26 degrees. ”
Miracles are possible
The question arises: what, in the world there are only three levels – the world of stars, our earthly world and the world of atoms? If that were the case, then a picture of the sky, which can be observed from the level of stars would not be similar to that which we observe – in his sky there would be no stars. But Hermes is not imposed some restrictions on the action of his formula. Then it turns out that the world according to Hermes is made up of an infinite number levels, both up and down in relation to our level. And all neighboring world levels are similar to each other.
Hermes supplemented his famous formula with the words: “This one knowledge is already enough to work miracles. “What miracles are possible if we learn his wonderful formula? May be miracles like those that happened during the transition from lighting with a torch to an electric lamp during the development of electricity, or in the transition from alchemical enumeration of various mixtures to the use of the periodic table in the chemical industry?
Previously, the concept of “matter” included only matter (things, stars, etc.), in our time, fields are also included in this concept. (gravitational, electromagnetic, etc.). Rutherford substance concentrated mainly in the nuclei of atoms occupying about one the quadrillion part of the atom’s volume. The rest of the volume is mainly filled with fields. But according to Hermes, the very nuclei of atoms are composed of microatoms in which the substance occupies the same part of the volume and etc. Obviously, with an infinite number of world levels for matter there is no room left.
At one time, physicists introduced the concept of phlogiston, and then abandoned this false concept, realizing the true cause of burning. So in the case of justice Hermes formulas will have to abandon the concept of matter. Then it turns out that the world is made up exclusively of fields and that’s it the diversity of its objects, including man, is determined by different configuration of these fields. And from all this it follows that there is no particle-wave dualism in physics, but there is only wave monism.
It is appropriate to recall here that at one time Rene Descartes claimed that the whole world is made up only of vortices of corpuscles. But if the formula Hermes is true and matter consists only of fields, then the idea of Descartes can be expressed as follows: the world consists of field vortices located in laminar fields. Then the basis of quantum theory will become clear, determined by the speed of rotation of the vortices. Perhaps mastering this fact will create an impetus that will greatly advance science, allowing truly fantastic miracles to happen. So always happens when science, getting rid of false ideas, advancing to the truth.
Astronomers are sure: the universe has a cellular structure, as if living tissue
A photo from open sources
We live in an oxygen atom
The above ratios were identified by comparison physical objects of the macrocosm and the microworld. But why not apply this pattern to the person himself? If Hermes is right, then all that we can see in our night sky are stars, galaxies, clusters and clusters of galaxies are components organism of a certain macroman. He is a giant celestial being the size of which is about 10 to 26 degrees meters (20 billion light years). The stars in the sky above our head are the nuclei of the atoms of the body of a macroman, our Sun is one of these nuclei, and the Earth is the third of the eight electrons of the atom, whose core is the sun. By the way, according to Mendeleev it turns out that we live in oxygen atom.
If we argue in this direction further, then from the principle of similarity it should be recognized that the macroman is not the only one in the macrocosm. There there must be other macro-people (other universes) who have own life. It also follows that on terrestrial electrons (these planets microworld) there must be microhumans smaller by T times regarding people of our world level, and they also have life, similar to ours.
Instead of the Big Bang – conception
From all this it turns out that astronomers, biologists and physicists engaged, in essence, in one thing. They are studying the structure of the world on the same objects, just a little different in scale. Astronomer, studying through a telescope the supercluster of galaxies does the same thing that a biologist is studying a living cell through a microscope. Physicist studying the structure of an atom does the same thing as an astronomer studying the structure of the star system.
A photo from open sources
Grand cosmic processes, including birth processes new and the death of old bodies, the functioning of pulsars and quasars – all these are normal processes of life, in particular, exchange substances and energies in the cells of a living cosmic organism. By the way Gottfried spoke about space as a living organism three centuries ago Leibniz is a famous mathematician and philosopher.
The life expectancy of an earthly person corresponds an insignificant moment of time in which star systems live. A hundred years earthly life corresponds to a small fraction of the femtosecond (femto – 10 in minus 15 degrees) universal time. That is why the stars on the sky seems to us unchanging. But the brevity of human life is not prevents the knowledge of the processes occurring in the universe. After all this can be done according to observations of its different sections.
Like a time machine, these different sections show various phases of the development of the components of a living organism The universe. Based on the analysis of this information, you can get understanding of the dynamics of these processes. Biologists can study their an object, looking not at the microscope stage, but looking at the sky through a telescope. It is possible that the birth of new and the death of old stars, the absorption of some galaxies by other galaxies, biologists recognize not space disasters at all, but completely normal vital processes in the body of a macroman, in in particular, metabolism.
Once upon a time, a macroman – that is, our Universe – was conceived. Very fast resizing of a human embryo at the beginning development – 50 times in 30 days – recalls the idea of the Big Bang astrophysicists. But unlike this uncontrollable, random hypothetical process, the real development of the embryo occurs according to a very specific plan. And while not in any living the body there is no destruction of matter in black holes and in them does not happen no points of singularity of the Big Bang with infinitely large density of matter.
It turns out that in the world of Hermes there is no place for black holes or The big bang, but there is a planned construction of the existing material. By the way, the famous British scientist Stephen Hawking, the main developer of the black hole hypothesis, recently acknowledged that his work in this direction is the biggest mistake of his life. Probably the developers of the purely theoretical hypothesis of the Bolshoi the explosion will soon follow Hawking’s lead. True, from the founders hypotheses – Albert Einstein and Alexander Friedman hard wait for this, but from modern followers to hear such recognition is in principle possible.
Interestingly, Hubble’s law states that the farther from the observer is a star, the greater the speed of its removal at any location of the observer, perfectly applicable to the living organisms. In a living organism, relative motion parameters atoms (stars at the micro level) are determined by the sum of the growth parameters all body elements located on the observation line independently from the location of the observer. That’s the way the dough fits, that’s right all plants, animals and people grow.
The universe has a cellular structure
This is such an amazing world, if you follow exactly Hermes Trismegistus. Someone might say all this speculative reasoning and therefore they seem fantastic a fairy tale that does not have any experimental basis. But this is not true. In fact, there are certain reasons for confirmation of the justice of the world order according to Hermes Trismegistus:
– Even in the last century, astronomers made a discovery – superclusters galaxies form a cellular structure. Universe as a person and like any living organism, really built from cells, about T times larger than a person’s.
– Recently with the help of the space telescope Spitzer was discovered a stellar system consisting of two chains, intertwined like a DNA molecule. This system has a length of 80 light years, which is about T times greater than the length of a DNA molecule person.
– According to different methods of processing experimental data astronomers give an estimate of the size of our universe in the range of 10-80 billion light years. World Hermes estimate (20 billion light years) this is consistent.
– A few years ago, astronomers discovered that beyond 20 billion light-years Hubble’s law is being violated sharply that show the most distant galaxies (UDFj-39546284 and UDFy-38135539). This confirms that they really are outside of our universe.
– WMAP space probe allowed to build in the galactic coordinate system map of the radiation level of different parts of the universe. It turned out that in the celestial sphere there are a couple of areas with increased radiation (highlighted in red), and steam – with reduced (highlighted in blue). Increased radiation suggests that in in these directions the number of stars is greater, and the lower – about that in these directions there are fewer stars. These axes are deployed relative to each other.
Since the average density of stars in different regions of the universe constant, it turns out that the universe is not spherical, what is it would be in the case of the Big Bang, and extended along the hot axis and compressed in the cold. This configuration of the universe is really similar. human shape, elongated along the axis of the head-legs and compressed in the transverse direction.
Skeptics can always say that the reasons given are few. But here it should be noted that the rapid development in our time of space and computer technology will probably allow in the very near future time to get additional grounds for confirmation justice of the world according to Hermes Trismegistus.
Time Universe Galaxy DNA Life Plants Sun Stephen Hawking Telescope