By eliminating sugar, you can dramatically improve your health

By eliminating sugar, you can dramatically improve your healthA photo from open sources

Ask people how they feel about buying products, and most will talk about a supermarket in which they never go where it smells bad and the products look pathetic, or pleasant a store with good pieces of meat and good prices for children porridge.

But for Robert Lustig, professor of clinical pediatrics University of California San Francisco, supermarket is something completely different.

This is the starting point in the struggle for your life, where the choice between plain and flavored yogurt, oranges or orange juice means the difference between disease and health.

The last thirty years in food sugar prevalence and fiber reduction are deadly a combination for consumers who have been deceived by the food industry, claims Lustig.

He voiced this slogan in 2009 at his lecture, Sugar: Bitter true, “which became a video hit, gaining nearly 4 million views on YouTube, and in 2012’s own book, “None hopes: succeed despite sugar processed foods, obesity and other diseases. “Now Lustig is applying his communication in practice, offering consumers benefits Supermarkets – Sugar Has 56 Items: A Guide For buyers. “This book is intended to accompany buyers on their smartphones or tablets; leadership allowing consumers to navigate hundreds of new labels processed foods that focuses on and puts sugar in its place. Quality and quantity information sugar in foods – from soy milk to sausage. What is the difference? As the name of the book indicates, sugar is known by different names – from fructose to fruit juice, and these options are significantly differ in how they are absorbed by the body.

“By paying attention to the proportion of sugar on the packaging, people can take a better solution for yourself, “says Lustig. But modern food labels are far from it: they are not the percentage of the daily norm of sugar is indicated, which does not allow people count how much it is. Too much.

Meanwhile, sugar is added to all foods, from bread to barbecue sauce, and the ingredients are often disguised as weird names and designations. For example, food ingredients listed according to their quantity, but the product may include various forms of sugar – they may be fifth through ninth ingredients, which, if put together, would turn out to be sugar, deserving the first position in the list. But, reading labels you cannot distinguish between the original inherent in the product and added sugar – this creates an abyss between you and good health.

It is less about obesity than about risk. metabolic disorders, which includes diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, cancer and dementia. AND sugar is a significant part of the problem.

Additional data on the effects of nutrients on our physiology presented in the book (Lustig also plans to release cookbook on low sugar foods and high fiber content), but the author leaves the readers general directions such as these six recommendations: do not go to the store is hungry; shop around for items located at the perimeter of the store – there are fresh, healthy products if the product has a logo that you heard about, it was subjected to processing; avoid all “partially hydrogenated “; if the product says” whole grain “, it doesn’t mean yet that it is, but if it is not said that it is whole the grain, then it’s definitely not it; if sugar is listed among the first three ingredients, this is a dessert product.

What else? Start your dinner with a salad without a sweet dressing, which is seasoned with fiber-rich foods. Skip cereal and muesli bars and make a quick, healthy breakfast by cooking scrambled eggs or fried a little bacon in the evening. Let me children gather their lunch (without dessert) from those products that they choose yourself – more likely that they will eat it.

In turn, in the house of Lustig there is no such product as “sweetened drink.” “We have milk, water, and sometimes a little alcohol drinks, if friends come to us, he says. – There is no reason to drink extra calories. “To provide enough fiber, Lustigi eat salad with each eating, which usually consists of protein, green vegetables and whole grain bread instead of white rice, pasta and potatoes. For dessert – fruits, except weekends when they are pamper their daughters eight and fourteen with something “a little more intricate. ”

“We should go to the dessert once a week, not every eating, ”says Lustig. – Sugar is a reward. Sugar it’s fun, but if it happens to everyone eating, you’ll stop feeling it. ”

To change food culture and food assortment goods, Lustig encourages buyers to “vote by mouth and wallet. “” We, as a society, must reduce the assortment, but we we can’t do it right now without the help of the food industry, – he says. – If you do not buy a product, it will not will sell. ”


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