By what principle do we choose each other?

By what principle do we choose each other?A photo from open sources

By what principle do we choose each other? Why alone representatives of the opposite sex attract us, while others leave indifferent? Looking back, you wonder: well why, among so many cavaliers, gave her hand and heart to just that? And what was she thinking then? Or maybe I didn’t think at all, but succumbed to the call instincts? Why are we attracted to individual representatives the opposite sex, while others are indifferent? On this influenced by a whole cocktail of factors. Attractive Love at a glance it exists. 7 seconds proved to be enough in order to evaluate a person and make a first impression of him. Sweeping eyelashes, bending the neck, dimples on the cheeks – only one an attractive detail can play the first fiddle in its infancy feelings of sympathy. Every person has a subconscious level there is a certain set of characteristics that must have perfect partner. Seeing at least one such dash, you starts the process of increased attention to its owner. And if nothing spoils the impression, the mechanism of the alchemy of love, consider started the countdown. Going to smell the Secret Agent in the selection process special biologically active substances become secretes the body – pheromones. Getting through the sense of smell in the brain, these cupids fly their arrows and summon a representative opposite sex, a feeling of longing close to sexual excitement. Each of us has an individual smell, which either compatible or not with other people’s pheromones. Thus, the choice in favor of one or another candidate, including ours, is made body. The second half The first models with which we unconsciously draw the ideal life partner – these are parents. Even if mom and dad are not at all perfect, and you least I would like to see in the second half of their character traits, this happens unconsciously. We focus on close and familiar. The fact is that both parents exist in ourselves – this is our female and male halves that carry certain attitudes, opinions, stereotypes and behaviors. If figure out all these traits, even if you reject them, you can find in yourself and your partners. Not recognizing our own shortcomings, we with easily hang them on partners, or, speaking psychological projected language. And this also includes one of the mechanisms choice – like attracted to like. You can not to agree: how is it that I am a man of indecision and cowardly, and my partner – makes all decisions in an instant and generally does everything quickly, that means we are two opposites that have come close on the principle of “opposites attract.” And this criterion exist. Only it means the following: you have the makings of those qualities that you see in the partner, in this case, determination and activity, only for some subjective reasons you do not manifest. Finding the desired qualities in your beloved, we complement ourselves and gain a sense of integrity. This is what the mystery of our “second half”. Role allocation B each of us plays certain roles, so couples formed on the basis of role-based needs and their coincidences. The main roles that we play as a couple are either the role of the parent, or a child. In each of us sits both one and the other, exactly the same as in our partner – this is the original, laid down from an early childhood behavior patterns. If you want to see in the satellite caring, gentle and pleasing parent, you will not be attracted moody men with an infantile character. You will search for yourself reliable “dad”, on whose shoulders you can always lean. Having decided on one position, a person does not change it over the years, steps on the same rake – seeks a partner appropriate warehouse, instead of changing yourself and grow psychologically. To be continued Every new the relationship is somewhat different from the previous ones, but often their scenario repeats itself and one can only wonder why you get partners with the same flaws? You just do it alone the same mistakes. This is largely due to the fact that we are shifting the image of former lovers and expect from the new companion the same feats or the same villainy. Unknowingly we act like this the way that we provoke a partner to a certain, familiar to us behavior. This, incidentally, explains the fact that with different women, the same men behave differently. Recipe one from a vicious circle – change and work with your imagination: imagine a man dreams in all colors and details, fantasize and pay attention to the pros and cons own behavior. Such visualization will help to realize your misses and reach a new level of relationship.

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