Calls from Beyond

CallsPhoto from open sources

At first glance, it seems that such calls have no reasonable explanation. Most often, such contacts occur between close people: spouses, children and parents, brothers and sisters, other relatives, less often – friends …

Calls after accidents

Many contacts have a specific purpose, for example, the deceased wants to say something alive, warn of danger, communicate something important, just say goodbye …

To date, thousands of cases of communication have been recorded. dead with the living by means of communication. Usually a person picked up the phone and heard a familiar voice, does not know yet that his the owner is dead. The sad truth opens later …

Photo from open sources

Such calls are often heard after all sorts of disasters. So, in 1987. a plane crashed into one of the American hotels. IN as a result of a powerful explosion, a huge column of fire shot up into the sky and smoke. Among the guests of this hotel was someone Christopher Evans, whose parents lived in a neighboring city. Hearing of the tragedy on the radio, they were very alarmed.

However, the phone soon rang, and a voice rang out in the receiver Christopher, who reassured parents by saying that they don’t worried. However, in the evening Christopher did not return, and the spouses Anxiety again seized alarm. Unable to stand, they got to the destroyed hotel, where among the reigning chaos and found the body dead son, covered with a sheet …

How are these calls made?

Practice has shown that in about half of such cases says only an otherworldly inhabitant. Moreover, his voice is very soon, or interrupted, or becomes illegible, as if lost in extraneous noise. Some of these episodes were investigated with involving telephone campaigns, it’s almost always been that no calls at the time of the afterlife not fixed.

Photo from open sources

It was also established that the largest number of calls from the deceased comes in the very first hours after death, and over time – less and less smaller. This does not contradict the provisions of various religious teachings. that the soul that has left the body is still among the rest alive. Not alien to everyday worries, she seeks the opportunity to contact close people.

It happens that the living call the dead and talk to them. A certain Nicole Friedman, a resident of Los Angeles, saw in a dream husband seriously injured in the head. Waking up woman immediately called him. The husband spoke to her in a normal tone and only lamented in passing that he was now so far from Nicole. That evening it turned out that this conversation took place a few hours later after the death of a man: he was shot dead while trying to rob bank.

Photo from open sources

Many of the calls of the deceased fall on holidays or any emotionally colored anniversaries, for example, birthday, day weddings etc. During such a conversation, the deceased may not speak. nothing special, but just repeat a single phrase, for example, “Hello, is that you?”

What do scientists think about calls from the other world?

In the late 90s of the last century, calls from the other world worlds became so massive that scientists took up them. IN for four years, researchers from the University of Manchester studies of paranormal phenomena have recorded similar cases, which turned out to be more than a thousand.

Photo from open sources

Statistics showed that about half of the contacts represented an exchange of phrases between dead and living interlocutors. In a quarter one caller spoke, in the rest the voice was illegible and seemed to drown in the dissonance of sounds going through a long tunnel. It is curious that the telephone operators have never succeeded to fix the call, for all its sensitivity, the devices do not reacted to any signals.

But what do scientists say? In their opinion, we should not be scared calls from the afterlife. When interviewed, all witnesses claimed that such communication caused them not negative emotions, but, on the contrary, joy and peace.

Photo from open sources

Of course, and our “domestic” dead call those whom they left alive in the world. Many Russians could tell about this, however, people prefer to keep such facts secret. What for pundits, it’s only American and Western European researchers are interested in information on this subject …

People who have had telephone conversations with the deceased report that their voices sound the same as they did in life. Moreover, the deceased often use their favorite words in speech and affectionate names. The telephone is ringing normally to some, his sound seems a little lethargic. If a person does not understand that talking to the deceased, the conversation may last relatively long. In the bills that the telephone company then sends (very rare), it’s never indicated where it came from the bell …


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