A photo from open sources
In the late 1970s, patients with oncological departments in the USSR �gave pomegranate juice. Despite the fact that he did not help anyone, until rumor has it that pomegranate juice is still miracle cure with which you can cure cancer. Why did this happen? Below is one of the chapters of the book. A.A. Lomachinsky “Curiosities of military medicine and examination”, where the root cause of the myth is described.
In the late 1970s, two doctors lived in the city of Vyborg – a doctor Wrightsman and Dr. Kuznetsov. What did the doctor specialize in? I forgot the rightsman, but I’ll be specializing in Dr. Kuznetsov remember to the deepest gray hairs of senile senility. Oncologist he was. And if you believe the materials of that criminal case and documents sent for forensic medical assessment, then he was an oncologist. I did not write any dissertations, but in part the practical treatment of many malignant diseases, and indeed theoretical knowledge, doctor Kuznetsov could easily make competition to some peripheral professor from the regional medical institute. Colleagues about Kuznetsov gave the most positive Reviews: I didn’t take bribes in principle, I read special literature tons, did not refuse consultations, and when advised, then I didn’t lift my nose and was always professionally honest – the words “of this I I don’t know “I was not afraid. Kind, balanced by nature, life satisfied, good family man, no psychopathological tricks for this doctor’s whole life is not registered. There is no end of patients was, and the patients themselves and their relatives are only hymns of glory to this they sang for the doctor – the best evaluation criterion for any doctor. In a word, as they said then, a worthy Soviet man. Dr. Wrightsman and Dr. Kuznetsov were close friends. Anti-Semitism in the environment true medical professionals a rare occurrence, especially in Soviet time. There are more professional and personal qualities appreciated than nationality. The doctors were friends, families, and long. Children in these families knew each other from early childhood, and their relationship was like that of close relatives. No wives they didn’t remember the holiday, wherever separately. Even the holidays thought so so that everything is one big company. Yes, and hobbies in these the doctors were the same – they loved outings in nature, especially mushrooms and hunting for pine forest. Friends did not complain about their health, and although they knew medicine, they both smoked the Belomor cigarettes like shoemakers. Well, of course, both had chronic inveterate bronchitis smokers – periodically friends listened to each other wheezing in the lungs and joking about the same shoemakers without boot. Such a disregard for their own health was quite common in an intelligent provincial environment time. And then the Reitsman family came to the Kuznetsovs house to meet New Year. Soviet Champagne on the table, the best cognacs and delicacies are not bribes, but signs of respect from grateful patients. By Brezhnev watched the TV off the clock, the clock strikes twelve. All pick up wine glasses and drink the first toast for the new one. Smiles, joy on faces, anticipation of a good feast. But in a minute to the doctor Reitsmanu feels sick – he turns pale and runs to the toilet. There him twists a strong stomach spasm, and a minute later comes relief in the form of vomiting. Dr. Kuznetsov without ceremony opens the unlocked door, enters and looks into the toilet. There freshly drunk champagne with a streak of blood. New Year’s Eve spoiled – vomiting with blood for no reason is always an alarm for the oncologist. Without any ceremony, Kuznetsov leads a friend into the bedroom, asks undress and go to bed. Fingers habitually drown in become malleable anterior abdominal wall. Kuznetsov blows his belly to a friend and it’s getting more and more serious. Long wrinkles. Wives at the table they’re called, stop saying, with whom it doesn’t happen. Stop, men, friend on friend’s fear of catching up. Go cognac along the little one – everything is like a hand will take off! Dr. Kuznetsov does not listen, he became angry, yelling so as not to interfere. I went to palpate the peripheral lymph nodes, crawls in the groin, presses armpits and over collarbones. And in one of the supraclavicular fossae incomprehensible gum. He grabs a stethoscope and listens to his lungs for a long time. Then thoroughly taps the chest. And start to tremble Dr. Kuznetsov’s fingers … “Okay, let’s go to the table. I don’t recommend drinking and eat moderately. Tomorrow afternoon, eat nothing, from six in the evening and do not drink liquids, but on the second day in the morning to my office. ” The second of January in the morning for the first time in his life, Dr. Kuznetsov sent far away his planned patients. Registry angry, but Kuznetsov’s authority was high. To coupons rewrote whom, despite protests, to other doctors sent whom they asked to wait. The doctor was busy all morning my friend. I personally drove to an x-ray and to the laboratory. Brought the radiologist a bottle of “Napoleon” a long standing museum exhibit at home, and after talking with the lab, he left a box on the table The Queen of Spades. Among colleagues such things are not popular, employees refuse to accept gifts – the principle “you to me, I to you” is more expensive. They took the gifts back and gave them to the nurse in the oncologist’s office sat. Finally, Kuznetsov returned to his office and immediately after telephone. For the whole of Vyborg then the only endoscope was available. An endoscope is such a thing that you can climb into your stomach through your mouth you can see what’s going on there, well, take a biopsy and pinch off a piece of tissue for analysis under a microscope. Calls the endoscopist asks immediately to accept sick Reitsmana. The endoscopist is also whole crumpled day, but since Kuznetsov himself asks, it will be done. Then the surgeon calls – my friend needs an urgent lymph node from pull out the supraclavicular fossa, again on histology. Then to the pathologist – put on your ears your whole histological laboratory, and mine analyzes first! And he agrees. Still asks for a few to prepare additional glasses with stained fabrics – for his own study and if someone is sent for consultation have to. And it will be done. I must say that Dr. Kuznetsov the microscope itself did not shy. He stood in his office excellent the binocular was by no means just for furniture. Often Kuznetsov has sitting out, studying complex tissue changes with suspected malignancy. All that Dr. Wrightsman did was necessary. More than ever quickly all the results went to the Kuznetsov table. Kuznetsov stayed after work, overlaid with atlases on cancer pathology and became Watch your friend’s tissue preparations. Sat at the microscope until late, sometimes shifting eyes from a microfield to a matte bright screen on the wall where numerous x-rays of the patient hung Wrightsman. The polyclinic was empty, and the therapist on duty already needs to leave. Kuznetsov waited when he will accept the last patient, and comes into his office. Such a request from Kuznetsov none of I didn’t recall my colleagues, although what the doctor asked my colleague was considered commonplace. And he asked for himself banal sick leave for three days with a diagnosis of acute respiratory infections. He said honestly that in Leningrad needs to be wound up, it is urgent and personal. Friend wright at home, too, on sick leave, but this was legally discharged open sheet – without indicating the date when to work. Collected Kuznetsov their records, all radiographs, micropreparations and other analyzes and brought everything home. Early in the morning, I stuffed the second bag with the best cognac, I got on the train and drove to Leningrad. Although not engaged in this Doctor of science, but had many friends in academia. He stayed for three days with one of them. During this time “diseases” managed to walk through the luminaries of oncology from the 1st Honey, went to the Department of Pathanatomy in Sangig, went to colleagues at the Oncology Center. Everywhere people express perplexity only. Like, why are you with us pissed off with such an elementary spirit? You’re a cool specialist yourself what other doubts can you have? Task for students sophomore – this is an elementary, typical adenocarcinoma! A malignant tumor of the tissues of the stomach, and once there are metastases in lungs and in all lymph nodes, then the diagnosis is easier than steamed turnip – cancer fourth stage. The patient’s prognosis is unambiguous – drain the water, go to the vestibule, have arrived. Station “Terminal”, carefully, the doors are closing, the next station is the “Cemetery”. No one at all cannot help. Late. It’s too late. Listens to these obvious truths. Dr. Kuznetsov, and there are tears in his eyes. Yes, everything was clear and it is clear that this is only a friend – there was hope for a miracle. And miracles like It’s not known. It is appropriate to make one lyrical retreat. More precisely, not lyrical, but popularization tabloid. Let the doctors smile condescendingly, but at least the rest should understand will be. The fact that cancer is a cell mutation, everyone knows. But it is not quite right. Every second in a normal human body there are more than two million changes in the chromosome apparatus, however, we do not get two million cancers per second. Most mutations are not dangerous, and chromosome breakdowns are not repaired. leaving the cell nucleus – there are special repair the mechanisms of our gene apparatus of cells. But some mutations “break through”, which in general is also not a problem. The immune system is on guard – such cells are traitors quickly found lymphocytes and are instantly destroyed, like traitors. Various lymphocytes work in our immune oprichnina, there are also highly specialized investigators and full-time executioners. Just like that called T killers, and this is a scientific term, not jargon. So, these killers without other types of lymphocytic cells are helpless. Not they see a mutant cell. But why they don’t see it is an open question. If anyone answers it, then this is the Nobel Prize in the field medicine and a golden monument in life from all thankful of humanity. It’s clear now why cancer is not only and not as much mutation, how many breaches in the “your alien” system? Once the body took the mutated cell as normal, the latter immediately begins its simple bydlyache business – to eat, crap, rampant multiply and break everything around. At the initial stage, such a tumor can be cut. There is one holy rule in cancer surgery: small cancer is a big operation, big cancer is a little operation. Well, on the last stage, when the tumor threw its cells into all organs, or if scientifically, then spread metastases, operation often completely useless. So what kind of therapy can only slightly slow down the process and no more. Although in the form of a rare incident in world practice there have been single observations when the immune the system regained control of the situation, and cancer self-healing. “Single” and “in the world” are key the words. None of the ordinary practicing oncologists have ever observed this. He does not like to refer to such casuistry. A chance to become a millionaire playing the lottery is many times higher than self-healing from cancer. Dr. Kuznetsov returned from Leningrad, took a little alcohol at home and went to visit a friend of Reitsman. Somewhat oak soviet medical ethics prescribed a diagnosis of cancer hide from the patient himself, reassuring the poor man with all sorts of crap. The diagnosis should be reported only to the next of kin in a strictly confidential form. But Wrightsman was a friend and a doctor – could not Kuznetsov to lie to him. Again, for the first time in his life, he didn’t give a damn about medical ethics. Spilled alcohol and answered the question “can I” answered right – to you, brother, now everything is possible. Inoperable Adenocarcinoma you, my dear friend. What is a carcinoma, I won’t explain you yourself seem to know one of the most evil tumors. New Year to us together no longer meet, and do not go hunting. Account, at best, for months. Put things and soul in order, what to be – that’s not pass by. As a friend, I’m not going to torture you or your family – there will be neither radio nor chemotherapy. Do not like it – go to another to a specialist. In your case, the sooner the better. Painkillers you will get as much tranquilizers and any other rubbish as you want to. I’ll only advise you one additional remedy – drink more pomegranate juice. Treating does not cure, but the mucous membrane is slightly tanning – according to my observations the best dietary supplement for such cases. Dr. Wrightsman sighed and said that he had guessed everything. still on Kuznetsov’s bed on New Year’s Eve. Thanked for truth and friendly participation. He reacted philosophically to the situation – albeit he was a Jew without Judaism, but the Marxist-Leninist Philosophy was not appreciated. Well, it’s time, then it’s time. Let’s see what lies behind a line from where they don’t come back. Children grew up, wife in the trade spinning – pull. He became calm and balanced. Himself compiled a list of drugs that he considered necessary and instantly received all Kuznetsov’s red recipes with special seals for home delivery. I called my wife. I asked not to cry, that’s all told her and asked the whole Vyborgprodtorg to break and drag home ten boxes of pomegranate juice. Finally embraced fraternally Dr. Kuznetsov and asked him not to go anymore until he will call. And it will call when the pain becomes unbearable. Until then steel, the doctor will postpone all matters, read what he did not read, he will forgive those whom he has not forgiven, but between affairs he will do the usual contemplation of the surrounding reality, the observation of which is not left long. Therefore, such a friendly request not to disturb. Other Dr. Reitsman was about to notify his acquaintances later. Friends drank according to the farewell stopar, and Dr. Kuznetsov went home. At home for the first time after his student years, he got drunk on trabadan. Pass months. Dr. Wrightsman is not calling. Madame Kuznetsova somehow tried to dial the number of the Reitsmanov, for which she received hands from her husband, never he didn’t allow himself like that. The friend’s desire was holy. Approached Autumn, the hunting season is in full swing. In the forest, beauty, treasured places lie under a yellow-red blanket. Only without a friend does not pull more Kuznetsova on the hunt. Suddenly the night of Friday to Saturday calls Wrightsman. He calls for hunting. It seems like yesterday with Kuznetsov broke up. Well, the oncologist immediately has only one thought in his head – that’s it, metastases in brain, delirium has begun. Cautiously begins to find out the condition the patient. Reitsman laughs in a cheerful voice – yes normal state. I quit smoking, I run in the mornings, yesterday only from the forest He returned, found good places where there are a lot of game, and few hunters. Let’s go, you won’t regret it! For a long time there are no pains, I do not suffer from delusions. In short Sit down to fill the bandoleer, and in the morning to me. Kuznetsov does not believe, but still going hunting. If a friend is bad, like his family lie and apologize for stopping by to visit, but not at the right time and in stupid hunting outfit? Morning. How many times in many years Kuznetsov is standing in front of a friend’s apartment. Cannot call – longtime persuading relatives not to wake up. The door must not be locked. Exactly not locked. There is light in the hallway. Satisfied Wrightsman sits on the nightstand and pulls on boots. Near the gun and backpack. Finger to your lips – don’t make a noise everyone is asleep. Friends go to the stairs. Wrightsman locks the door and quickly runs to the street. Behind him, Kuznetsov does not understand anything. The behavior is absolutely normal, in the sense of absolutely strange – behavior of a healthy forty year old man in excellent physical form. We’ll be late for the train, let’s run. Smoking Kuznetsov shortness of breath, non-smokers and Ratesman running in the morning – no. We sat in the train. – That’s it, Rightsman, enough riddles – tell everything and in detail. What did you do and how do you feel? – I feel fine, and what he did … Like, what he did – what you said, he did. Did nothing, drank pomegranate juice! The right stop. Friends go in the forest. Reitsman found a good place – there is a hazel grouse. The doctor waited Kuznetsov of the first doublet of Dr. Reitsman, approached a friend in dense and discharged its twelfth caliber to him in the region of the heart. Then he took out his hunting knife, the corpse section and spent professional autopsy with complete extraction of the organocomplex from tongue to the anus. Only the skull opened unprofessionally – circular there was no saw. I had to work with a hatchet. The truth was told by the doctor Wrightsman – the cancer has resolved! After that, Dr. Kuznetsov dismantled his and Reitsman’s guns, took the bandoliers, covered the corpse with a cloak and remembered the place well. And then he got on the train and went to Vyborg city. In Vyborg I immediately came to the station department police, surrendered his guns and told the whole story … would do it the only thing the Vyborg Prosecutor’s Office, if its KGB on special status did not lead. The local investigator decided that the doctor Kuznetsov discovered a cure for cancer – pomegranate juice. Well, attracted Gebukh Military Medical Academy in full secret program. After all, if it really is all about pomegranate juice, then government revenue in net currency from a similar design may oil surpass! It’s business to highlight the active principle and patent the drug. Destiny, Pathology, Pharmacology, Toxicology and a bunch of other departments were involved. Pomegranate juice subjected to comprehensive analyzes – nothing specific discovered. Throughout the Union, tons of pomegranate juice were issued to cancer patients in their pure form – also no effect. Body Wrightsman was thoroughly studied by all possible techniques. Found – Healed scars from tumors and metastases. Not found – not a single one cancer cells and causes of healing. Dr. Kuznetsov during his lifetime no golden monument erected. According to rumors, in court he is for himself asked for the highest measure and no petitions for pardon filed.
Time Life Health Oncology