A photo from open sources
Supporters of a flat earth are looking for ever new evidence of their a fantastic theory, in particular, on the Internet suddenly a statement by alleged NASA former Matthew Boylan appears, who admits that he was engaged in falsification at the agency photographs on which our planet was presented to the general public round.
Let’s start by examining in more detail this incredible statement. Matthew writes that humanity lives on a perfectly flat the surface of the earth, but to present it to the earthlings round, he I had to create fake pictures.
For example, he emphasizes, pay attention to pictures of the Earth, “obtained from lunar probes.” On all of them, our planet has a different size and appearance, and this difference is simply striking, although in reality, if the photos were real, this should not to be. See also satellite images of half a century ago, on of them the horizon of the planet is perfectly flat, not rounded. The only NASA’s purpose for existence, says Boylan, is propaganda round Earth, about no space, and especially about flights to the Moon, Mars and there can be no speech. Flat Earth is covered with a dome: by whom and why it is created, no one knows. In the Middle Ages it was believed that by God, Now they talk more about the matrix …
A photo from open sources
Supporters of a flat earth further cite well-known arguments, that, they say, during the construction of bridges the curvature of the earth is not taken into account, the pilots fly for some reason in zigzags, assuming that the planet round, but if it is flat, then their flight is straightforward, and so Further.
However, none of the enthusiastic admirers of this crazy theory (and they are becoming more and more) do not even take into account that such the arguments, as they say, are simply dragged by the ears. So if the pilots hide that the Earth is flat (they can be understood as if – instruction), then why none of them, having retired, will open this forgery, such as today’s NASA ex-employee Matthew Boylan? Presumably, former pilots are thousands of times more than former NASA employees. And they are all exclusively silent?
The designers and engineers of bridges are also silent for some reason, although in their work secrecy, presumably, is much less than in activities of an employee of the American space agency.
And world space agencies, numerous observatories with giant telescopes? Really so much money is spent only for having to throw dust in people’s eyes? But tell god for the sake of why? And then, you can be suspected of such frauds of modern politicians, but not scientists? But there were also older ones generations of researchers, for example, recall Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a crystal-clear Russian scientist who dreamed of space travel and for some reason (need it?) did not know about flat earth …
A photo from open sources
And finally, let’s take a more critical look at the personality itself Matthew Boylan Is he a NASA employee? He showed in his program on flat Earth, Igor Prokopenko (see video below). But it doesn’t prove anything. doesn’t say anything. On the Internet you will no longer find this personality no other information, and even more so real Matthew’s involvement in NASA.
Let’s recall the rather loud statement in this regard. Yale University professor David Gelernter, which two years ago proved quite reasonably that Americans just could not fly to the moon in the last century on those “tin cans” like their rockets. However as later it turned out Gelerter himself never said anything like that and why he hid behind his name, he has no idea. But in that case although there was a real scientist, and who is Matthew Boylan? Absolutely a dark horse…
NASA’s Moon Bridges