Canadian caught a magic pike

The canadian caught the magic pikePhotos from open sources of

The most unusual pike caught on the hook of a Canadian fisherman Randy Streiker from Yellowknife. The fish, of course, was big, but it wasn’t what hit the fishery, especially since there are pikes and much larger.

Hooking on a spinning noble trophy in Slave Lake, Randy Streaker I didn’t even imagine that a regular four kilogram pike would surprise him to the core. As he brought the fish to the boat, Randy realized that the pike is not quite ordinary, as it even glowed in water, as if decorated christmas tree. And when they began to get with a friend fish from the lake, it opened its mouth, and its gills flashed on the daylight light amazing green and blue hues.

A photo from open sources

As it turned out, the skin, fins and even teeth of the strange pike were covered with some kind of mysterious substance that fluoresced in an amazing way. For this reason, the whole fish shone – from the fins and ending with mouth and tongue, and in this neon light prevailed bright green tint, which is interspersed with other colors made a lasting impression.

The pike was just magical, but Randy Streaker did not demand from her the fulfillment of three desires, but simply let go come back with such amazing beauty. True, before that he asked your friend take some photos with the magic pike on memory. Otherwise, who will believe that the fishermen actually caught such a fantastic trophy: after all, no fables compose fishermen, especially, as they say, Canadians …


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