Canadian couple caught a mysterious lake being

Canadian couple caught a mysterious creature in the lakePhoto from open sources

Canadian spouses Joan and Nick Nickerson faced the other day mysterious and even somewhat frightening find. Married couple, living in the county of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, set off relax on Lake Doctors near the city of Hebron. There Canadians unexpectedly caught an incomprehensible creature from the water, probably unknown to official science.

This find so impressed the Nickersons that they immediately decided Contact the local Natural Resources Department that they checked a strange creature and determined, does not represent whether it is a danger to people. Interestingly, even old-timers, living here for more than half a century and constantly fishing on the lake, never met anything like it.

The length of the creature caught by the spouses is about thirty centimeters. It resembles a large and vile jelly-like leech. The body of this slug is transparent, but dense. Inside it is distinctly visible central tube, similar to the digestive system. Calling the Department of Natural Resources, Joan and Nick picked up an ominous find with him to transmit it subsequently to specialists. Nikersons are afraid to bring a leech home, therefore they keep her outside in a bucket full of water.

It is noteworthy that from the Lake of Doctors they used to catch mysterious creatures, references to which cannot be found in any one biological reference. For example, last year here a blue arachnid creature with six legs was caught. Falling into the hands of researchers, such specimens, as a rule, disappear without a trace. They are not talked about in the news and are not written in scientific journals, as if nothing had happened.


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