Hungry predators, namely bears, feed on the dead on cemeteries of Russia. Looking for food, hungry animals wandered on cemetery and ate the body of the deceased.
In Kamchatka, at one of the cemeteries of the city of Elizovo, three hungry they broke a grave, broke a coffin and ate a dead man. Wild beasts noticed the drivers who drove on Monday morning next to Elizovsky cemetery.
One of the drivers said that he saw three bears who gnawed at the human body. Predators unearthed the nearest the road to the grave, they broke the coffin and ate the corpse.
A photo from open sources
Later, two bears that were in the cemetery were killed inspectors of the Agency for Forestry and Wildlife Protection. The third has not yet been tracked down.
Local police warn citizens that a period has begun when bears wake up from hibernation, and hungry, in search of food, come in in villages and cities, which poses a great danger to residents.
Drivers Bears Russia