Capture yourself in 3D – hurry up!

Capture yourself in 3D - hurry up!A photo from open sources

The German company offers a new way to create a selfie – in 3D format. You go into the booth where more than a dozen are installed cameras that literally scan you from all sides. And in the result is a three-dimensional figure, which is much better and demonstrates more clearly what you are.

To give such a figure is much more solid, say, your a girl than a simple photo or even a video. True, it costs pleasure, to say the least, is not cheap – up to seven hundred dollars, but what such money, if you want to create a truly modern and, most importantly, an exclusive selfie!

By the way, take your time while it’s actually unique and exclusively, since today such cameras are installed in the world less than a dozen, but what will happen tomorrow? It may not take a year how to make a selfie like that anyone in your pocket can the dollar was around. And it will not be interesting at all …

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