A photo from open sources
“Sir,” the officer placed a packet of photographs in front of the general, “ Russians are experiencing in the Caspian an ultrahigh-speed vessel traveling at a speed of over 400km / h. “” You are confusing something, it’s technically impossible. “” I don’t know what our engineers say there, but intelligence not mistaken. ”
In 1966, tests of the experimental ekranoplan engineer Alekseev. Engineer Rostislav Alekseev Photos from open sources
From childhood, Alekseev was attracted to invention. Special traction he experienced to the boats. As a teenager, he designed and built punt. On testing, the boat turned over. The tester almost drown, wet, but the incident did not in the least cool his ardor. IN 1935 Rostislav Alekseev entered the Gorky Industrial Institute at the Faculty of Shipbuilding. He raves about the idea of creating high-speed vessel, creates one project, another, third, but mathematical calculations show that significant gains in none of them will give speed. Alekseev comes to the conclusion that realize the idea of a superhigh-speed vessel in the framework of the classical models are impossible. Hence, it must be abandoned! In 1941 Alekseev writes and defends his thesis on the topic “Glider on hydrofoil. Non-classic model First attempts build hydrofoil ships date back to the late 19th century. On the high-speed vessel rises on its wings above the water, the frontal resistance of water is reduced, and this allows you to increase speed. But the power of the steam engine used was clearly not enough to get the high speed needed to create a lifting strength. Alekseev decided to use this old design idea. In 1942 he was the head of the design bureau, which deals exclusively with hydrofoil design. Created in 1943 on design KB boats did not take part in hostilities, but proved the viability of a new direction in shipbuilding. IN In 1951, a group of engineers led by Alekseev was awarded the Stalin Prize of the second degree. Photos from open sources
In 1957, the passenger ship “Rocket” appeared (capacity 65 people, speed 70km / h). From 1959 to 1976, the Feodosia Plant Sea released 389 Rockets. Following the “Rocket” there are new projects: Meteor, Volga, Sputnik, Comet. Last (“Petrel”) has a speed of 95km / h, but Alekseev understands that is already the limit. The scheme has exhausted itself; a new breakthrough is needed new idea. WIG Pilots at the dawn of aviation noticed that when flying above the ground itself there is an additional lifting strength, so-called “screen effect”. Alekseev decides creates ship-plane. Having developed a high speed, the ship leaves the water and flies over water using a screen effect. It was really breakthrough. A ship-plane flies above the surface of the water, flying through the shallows and small islands. Can go to a flat beach, you have to fly with ice or tundra. Lift combined with screen effect, allow you to create an aircraft increased lifting capacity and speed. “Caspian monster” Photos from open sources
Naturally, the military became interested in the idea. They spotted the pros escaped from civilian experts. Flying at low altitude the ekranoplane is not visible to radars, while he is absolutely not afraid anti-ship mines. In June 1966, the first was launched experimental ekranoplan. Until the advent of the AN-225 in 1988, was the heaviest aircraft in the world. In KB documents ekranoplan passed as “KM” (mock ship), the Americans deciphered the abbreviation in its own way: “Caspian monster.” “Lun” and “Eaglet” In 1983, on the basis of “KM” began construction (and in 1986 finished) of the Soviet Lun rocket launcher, designed to destroy aircraft carriers. Flying over most with water (from 4 to 14 meters) it was invisible to radars and could come up missile launch distance (armament – supersonic winged rockets “Mosquito”, 6 pcs.). High speed (up to 500 km / h) made him invulnerable to military missiles of guard ships, the Lun with ease walked away from persecution, it was impossible to leave him (speed US nuclear carrier – 70 km / h.) Combat load – 140 tons, cruising range – 2.000 km. Americans called him a “killer” aircraft carriers “. Photos from open sources
A photo from open sources
At the same time, the military wanted to have an airborne transport ekranoplan, which was launched even before the “Moon” – in 1979 year. “Eaglet” took on board 2 combat vehicles (armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles or tank) or 200 marines, took off with a wave of 3-4 points, rose into the air to a height of 2 km and flew freely through mines and network barriers. The next step in development the technical thought became an ekranoplan, capable if necessary tear off the screen and fly like an airplane – ekranolet. Ekranolet Photos from open sources
In 2000, the Sukhoi Design Bureau was ready the first draft of the S-90 spacecraft, capable of flying in three modes: 1) aircraft, 2) ekranoplan, 3) ship hovercraft. Unlike an airplane, the ekranolet does not need for takeoff and landing in a prepared runway, him a fairly flat area of land or water. Speed - 400km / h, altitude – from 0.5m to 4.000m, flight range – up to 3.000km, payload 2.500-4.000 kg. After 2000, any information about the S-90 from all open sources disappeared. On the website of KB there is not a word about him. It’s interesting what kind of surprise our Western friends Russian engineers? Well? Photos from open sources
A photo from open sources
Director General of the Association “Cosmonautics-Humanity” Academician Albert Niktin said that a project designed until 2050 to create ekranoplanes and saturate them armed Russian forces. It was supposed to initially produce ekranoplans in Nizhny Novgorod. However, just the other day, about its readiness substitute the shoulder said the Feodosia factory “Sea”, once producing hydrofoils. Crimea is now the territory of the Russian Federation and the company has very real prospects of becoming a center production of aircraft of the future.
Water Monsters Missiles Russia Aircraft