Caution Sea Snake!

A photo from open sources

Who has not heard the legends of the terrible sea serpent? In popularity, he goes right after the Loch Ness monster. Only unlike a Scottish monster sea serpent does exist. true in reality it’s a little smaller, it’s not a snake, but a snake, however, a meeting with her really does not bode well good.

Sea Snake

The main habitat of the sea snake are coastal waters Pacific and Indian oceans and the Red Sea, and in South China the sea and the Malay archipelago of this good is apparently invisible, here in no one doubts the existence of sea snakes. Monsters long a few tens of meters none of the local fishermen saw, but individuals 1.5 – 2.0 and even 3 meters do not surprise anyone. All life sea ​​snakes spend in water. Only a few of them in the period breeding creep out on land, but seek as soon as possible return to the native element.

A photo from open sources

Although the snake is marine, it tries not to get very far from the coast. Individual specimens were caught at a distance of 50, 60 and even 250 km offshore, but these are rare exceptions. Marine Depth vipers 200-300m, under water they can be up to 2 hours.

Sea snakes have an amazing dual breathing system. Above the surface of the water they breathe through the nostrils with the help of the lung, and on digest oxygen dissolved in water through the mucosa the shell of the oral cavity.

The snake is the snake

Sea snake eats fish, swallowing it whole, previously killing their poisonous teeth with a bite. Cold-blooded fish unlike warm-blooded animals, they are less sensitive to poison, therefore sea snakes are more toxic than land counterparts in toxicity several times . The danger also lies in the fact that a person in saltwater may not even feel the bite. Usually after it there is neither a tumor nor redness. But after about 30 minutes, headache, vomiting begins, burning sensation, excessive sweating, swelling of the tongue. Urine becomes black or brown.

A photo from open sources

If a person manages to call an ambulance, he will survive. There are effective antidotes, out of 10 injured 7 on the next morning they laugh with friends about the exotic adventure. But those who hesitate will have to tight. In 6-12 hours of a person may no longer be saved.

Zoologists claim that cases of attacks by sea snakes on humans are extremely rare, and if you don’t provoke a reptile, she is not a danger. Still highly recommended diving enthusiasts when meeting with a snake to get away from it as much as possible further.

But what about a sea serpent?

As for the terrible and terrible inhabitant of the deep sea – a sea snake, then the destroyers of legends always talk about accidents in the Strait of Malacca. The sailors saw the real there sea ​​snake, 3 meters thick and about 100 km long. At the monster turned out to be a giant cluster of marine vipers, huddled together and floating in the middle of nowhere. To the huge disappointed sailors, they were left without a terrific bike. So that, no sea snake? And where did you get that the ocean revealed everything to man your secrets?

Snake Water Loch Ness Monster Fish Monsters

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