Photos from open sources of
Thai Yatuphum Losiri, who is known to the online community as an interesting blogger, an extraordinary artist and a passionate motorcyclist, at 48, he suddenly decided to radically change his life, and settled in cave on the island of Koh Phangan.
A photo from open sources
Since then, he calls himself the “caveman” – The Cave Man, although he continues to blog and position himself as freedom-loving on various social networks, for example, on Facebook, where his popularity has recently grown fantastic reaching tens of thousands of subscribers.
A photo from open sources
This happened after Yatuphum Losiri began to spread on Facebook pages photos with girls from around the world, who visit his cave and spend some time with him. there is among these photographs is a Russian girl.
A photo from open sources
The Thai himself clarifies that he does not invite anyone, much less seduces, just the girls come to him out of curiosity, and he invites them to drink coffee, listen to good music and look at natural beauties surrounding his modest home.
A photo from open sources
Despite this, the Internet has nicknamed Yatuphuma Losiri “Casanova cave”, although he considers himself an ordinary man, who just enjoy talking to women from all over the world. Yes to whom of men may not like it?
A photo from open sources
No, he admitted to local television reporters, I don’t settled in a cave specifically for this, but if I knew that this lifestyle attracts the attention of the beautiful sex, then I would have done it much earlier. I always loved free life and, of course, women who make it more romantic and exciting. But it took me almost half a century to understand what needs to be done to become truly free and happy.
A photo from open sources
Cave Life Time